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Research Misconduct

The UNT Research Misconduct Policy defines actions which constitute research misconduct and establishes procedures for responding to research misconduct allegations in a thorough, timely, and fair manner.

Research misconduct is defined in the Policy as fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism in proposing, performing, or reviewing research, or in reporting research results. Fabrication is making up data or results and recording or reporting them. Falsification is manipulating research materials, equipment, or processes, or changing or omitting data or results such that the research is not accurately represented in the research record. Plagiarism is the appropriation of another person’s ideas, processes, results, or words without giving appropriate credit. Research misconduct does not include honest error or differences in opinion.

UNT’s policy and procedures regarding research misconduct can be found here.

Any observed, suspected, or apparent research misconduct may be reported to UNT’s Research Integrity Officer, Dr. Narendra Dahotre, Associate Vice President for Research and Innovation at Narendra.Dahotre@unt.edu.