REU Application

REU Site: Software Assurance and Security in Emerging Technologies: Research Experience for Undergraduates

The REU Site: Software Assurance and Security in Emerging Technologies: Research Experience for Undergraduates is currently accepting applications for Summer 2019.  We seek to provide undergraduate research students with opportunities to motivated students. No previous research experience is required. Students will work on exciting projects that focus on Security and Software Testing for web and mobile applications.

Participant Eligibility Requirements:

    Must be enrolled in an undergraduate program in Computer Science, or a related field.

    Must be an undergraduate in good standing

    Must be a US citizen or US permanent resident

    Must complete the on-line application including the brief essay questions by February 15

    Must submit transcripts by February 15

    Must ensure two references have submitted their letters of recommendation by February 15

Accepted students will receive:

    The opportunity to work on exciting research in the area of web testing.

    $5,000 stipend for 10 weeks.

    On-campus Housing at the University of North Texas

    Social activities, including food

    Some students will receive a travel stipend for moving expenses

    The opportunity to be part of program that has a strong emphasis on collaboration with other students

Apply here.

Thank you for your interest!

Dr. Hassan Takabi and Dr. Renee Bryce

Directors of the REU Site for Secure Software Testing for Web and Mobile Applications

Computer Science & Engineering

University of North Texas