Online Holds

book being removed from a shelf
Learn how to place an online hold and/or have a regular circulating item delivered to you.

How to Request Books Owned by the UNT Libraries

Requesting books may be done through our Online Holds service. To place a hold through the library online catalog, simply click the link labeled “Request for pickup” that you will see in catalog records and search results for requestable items. This link will take you to a form that will ask for your EUID and password, which item you want to request, and the pickup location. You will be able to place up to 25 holds at a time, and you will be able to manage your hold requests through your account on the library website.

catalog record example screenshot. Book jacked and item record are

Requests are processed within 48 hours if the items are available. Patrons are notified by email when the items are available for pick up.

  • Items available for pickup will be at the requested service desk for 7 days from the time of notification.
  • Items available for pickup at the Media Library Service Desk are available for 3 days from the time of notification.

Items that are checked out or not available may be requested through Interlibrary loan.

Starting Point & Delivery (Pick-Up) Locations:

Item Location: Remote Storage: Regular Circulating Materials

Can be delivered to:

  • Eagle Commons Library Service Desk
  • UNT Dallas Library Service Desk
  • Discovery Park Library Service Desk
  • Willis Library 1st Floor Pickup Shelf
  • Music Library Service Desk
  • Media Library Service Desk
  • Faculty Delivery to Office

Item Location: Remote Storage: Media Material

Can be delivered to:

  • Media Library Service Desk

Item Location: Remote Storage: Music Material

Can be delivered to:

  • Music Library Service Desk

Item Location: Willis Library: Regular Circulating Materials

Can be delivered to:

  • Willis Library 1st Floor Pickup Shelf
  • Eagle Commons Library Service Desk
  • UNT Dallas Library Service Desk
  • Discovery Park Library Service Desk
  • Media Library Service Desk
  • Music Library Service Desk
  • Faculty Delivery to Office

Item Location: Eagle Commons Library: Regular Circulating Materials

Can be delivered to:

  • Eagle Commons Library Service Desk
  • Willis Library 1st Floor Pickup Shelf
  • Discovery Park Library Service Desk
  • UNT Dallas Library Service Desk
  • Media Library Service Desk
  • Music Library Service Desk
  • Faculty Delivery to Office

Item Location: Discovery Park: Regular Circulating Materials

Can be delivered to:

  • Discovery Park Library Service Desk
  • UNT Dallas Library Service Desk
  • Eagle Commons Library Service Desk
  • Willis Library 1st Floor Pickup Shelf
  • Media Library Service Desk
  • Music Library Service Desk
  • Faculty Delivery to Office

Item Location: Microfilms

Can be delivered to:

  • Willis Library 1st Floor Pickup Shelf
  • Eagle Commons Library Service Desk

Willis Library First Floor Pickup Shelf

The Willis Library First Floor Pickup Shelf is a self service holds pickup location inside Willis Library near the Willis Library Services Desk. Building Use Only items will be held at the Willis Library Services Desk. Items should be checked out at the Library Services Desk.

Other Delivery Services

For more information about Online Holds, please contact the Access Services Department at or (940) 565 - 2413.

Additional Links
