Alumni Society

Ann Blackman

On behalf of the University of North Texas College of Information Alumni Society, I am pleased to welcome you as a fellow COI alum. If you recently completed your program, congratulations! As COI Alumni Society president and Board of Directors chair, I want you to know that it is an honor to be working with and for you. I am thrilled to lead the Society as we continue to build and strengthen our incredible UNT COI community.  The College of Information's tradition of high quality and educational excellence rests on exceptional students, effective and accomplished graduates, outstanding faculty, innovative academic programs, and your generous support.

We hope you will become a proud member of the COI Alumni Society and take full advantage of our great programs and events. Our programs provide an opportunity to connect with fellow alumni, maintain connections to the university and create opportunities to strengthen your professional network. We support student scholars, recognize outstanding alumni annually and assist with alumni news stories. The Alumni Society is governed by elected board members representing various geographic areas and academic degrees.

Your Alumni Society membership offers you the opportunity to:

  • Contribute to student scholarship through the alumni endowment fund or provide work opportunities for current students.
  • Get involved. Attend events, mentor, vote in the organization’s elections, help raise funds, and serve on its board of directors.
  • Make new connections. Alumni live across the nation, so no matter where you are, there are opportunities to meet new people and expand your network!

Above all, I encourage you to take full advantage of our programs to make new friends, stay in touch with classmates, and keep your connections to COI. If you have suggestions for alumni events in your area or ideas for improving communication, please contact me or any member of the Board. This is your COI Alumni Society and we aim to make it great!

I thank you for your continued support of our alma mater and the UNT COI Alumni Society.

Go Mean Green!

Ann W Blackman
UNT College of Information Alumni Society President