Photos of wires and lights that are on the back of the University IT High Performance Computing Talon 3

Research IT Services • Brochure

Research Information Technology Services enables and supports faculty, researchers, and students in pursuit of answers to their research questions through information technology. RITS serves to provide sophisticated research computing and storage environments, support and develop interdisciplinary collaborations, and grant opportunities and innovative workforce training opportunities in the intersection of domain sciences and information technologies.

Ravi Vadapalli, Ph.D., director, IT support | 940-369-6046  |  General Academic Building, Room 109
Affiliate site director of the NSF Cloud and Autonomic Computing Center at UNT

>> Open House Presentation, Nov. 29, 2018, .pdf, 3 MB <<

Research Computing Services • Staff Directory

Located in GAB, Room 535, two specialized teams work together to provide the optimal use of parallel and distributed computing environments, storage and visualization assets for research and training.

Data Science and Analytics |  940-565-4066  |  DSA Brochure   

Application Support | Consulting | Instructional Support
Research & Modeling Support | Survey Support

High-Performance Computing  |  HPC Calendar | 940-369-7066

Compute Nodes | Consulting | Storage
Scientific Software | Supercomputer Access | Workshops


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