Faculty IT Resources

IT Resources for Staff and Faculty |  Undergrad Students  |  Graduate Students  |  Retirees  |  Visitors

Information Technology is an integral part of the university experience for everyone. Information Technology starts at your desktop, but can involve systems managed by your department, by University Information Technology, or by Information Technology Shared Services. This document provides information on some of the central IT services that can support your teaching or research activities at UNT.

Getting Started

  • New-User Information  •  Cyber Security Awareness
  • Desktop computing support is provided by a College or Department-level IT support organization. To find your first point of contact for desktop Information Technology issues, refer to the IT Distributed Services-Help Desk Netman
  • EUID and Password help – Visit the Account Management System website – ams.unt.edu – to check your EUID and/or password status, change your password, and configure your preferred E-mail address there.
  • Email – Your employing department or college manages your access to Microsoft Office 365, also called EagleConnect, the email system supported for official University business.
  • UIT Help Desk – If you don't know where to call, or when no one can help you with your computer on campus, contact the Help Desk,
    • 940-565-2324 - helpdesk@unt.edu - Sage Hall, Room 330.
    • The Help Desk staff provides information technology support to all faculty, staff, students, alumni, retirees, and visitors at UNT. They have primary responsibility for supporting general purpose computing services and also provide a link to distributed computer support areas in the various colleges, departments and administrative units.
  • The Enterprise Information System, EIS, portal – Visit the EIS portal, my.unt.edu, to do a variety of things related to your employment at UNT. Once you have logged-in with your EUID, you can do things like view your paycheck, check your benefits, sign-up for training with human resources and more. You can also verify or update your contact information to make sure you receive Eagle Alert messages: www.unt.edu/eaglealert.

    The my.unt.edu portal also provides access to the Faculty Center which allows you to view your course schedule and class rosters, email your students, and assign grades. For more information about the Faculty Center, see: essc.unt.edu/eis/faculty.htm

Instructional Information Technology Services

IITS, a division of UIT, provides a variety of information technology services to the academic community including the following.

  • Exam and Research Data Services is responsible for research data entry and automated scanning services for test scoring and course evaluations.
  • Sage Hall Testing Center is available for courses needing computerized testing in support of distance, blended, or face to face classes. The testing center is located on the third floor of the Sage Hall across from the elevator.
  • UIT Desktop Services supports the goals of the University by facilitating a technical environment that enhances learning, research and testing through the use of technology. UIT Desktop Services provides technical management for the Sage Hall Testing Center and four computer classrooms located at Discovery Park.

Bulk Mail, Classroom Support Services, Lynda+Canvas and More

  • bulk mail system bannerUNT Bulk Mail System is an automated system that allows authorized University faculty and administrators to send targeted messages to all or selected UNT students. Each semester Bulk Mail is automatically set up to provide faculty the ability to
    • Send an email to one class or several classes by making a simple selection via a web-based interface.
    • See a list of their class members and send individual email messages by clicking on the student's name in the list.
    • To get started, log in with your EUID and password at bulkmail.unt.edu Go to Bulk Mail Help for more information.
  • Lynda.com logoLyndaCampus, the online learning platform that helps people learn business, software, technology and creative skills to achieve personal and professional goals. Through the University of North Texas subscription, UNT students, faculty and staff have access to the Lynda.com video library of engaging, top-quality courses taught by recognized industry experts. Log in with your EUID and password to learn new skills or assign complementary instruction to your students. Read more about Lynda.com in the classroom.
  • Canvas, the online course management system, is supported by the ITSS Distributed Learning Support group along with the Center for Learning Experimentation, Application and Research, CLEAR. To learn more about Canvas and UNT's distance learning initiatives, visit (check for popup blockers first): clear.unt.edu and faculty resources.
    • LyndaCampus and Canvas:  LyndaCampus courses can be accessed from within Canvas. Faculty members are encouraged to incorporate these materials into their online courses and in a classroom setting. For more information about the LyndaCampus and Canvas integration, please visit the CLEAR website for more information. If you would like assistance setting up the integration in your course, please contact the UNT CLEAR Faculty Help Desk by phone at 940-369-7394, or by email at clearhelp@unt.edu.
  • The UNT Copyright Resources website provides the UNT community with information about copyright law and resources to help people make good decisions when utilizing copyrighted material: copyright.unt.edu
  • Classroom Support Services – Classroom Support Services, a department of University Information Services, is funded by the Student Technology-Use Fee to provide and maintain the audio-visual equipment in UNT’s general-purpose (type "110" and "210") classrooms on the Denton campus. For more information, visit CSS online.
  • Staying Connected at UNT – ITSS’ Data Communications Group provides data and video services for the students, faculty and staff of the UNT System. To connect to our wireless networks visit the Tech Tour #7 for more information. The UNT Video Network, UNTVN, provides a resource instruction or collaboration over long distances: clear.unt.edu/
  • Information Security and Virus Protection – Learn about secure ways to protect your computer by visiting UNT System Information Security.  Download McAfee anti-virus products, which is free to UNT faculty, staff and students.
  • Student Computer Labs – UNT’s Student Computer Labs are open to anyone with a valid UNT ID card. There are labs throughout the main Denton campus and two at the Discovery Park. The lab in Sage Hall, Room 330, has adaptive hardware and software for students with special needs. These labs are student-fee funded and open to faculty on an as-available basis. For more information, including lab hours, some are open 24/7, see computerlabs.unt.edu.
  • Restrictions – UNT computer systems can be used only for activities related to academic work or other professional activities; use for personal commercial gain is not allowed. Learn the rules, by reading the UNT Computer-Use Policy.

Research IT Services: Research Computing Services

Data Science and Analytics

The Data Science and Analytics team maintains the university's research analytic software, evaluates new research software, and provides consultation services to faculty, students, and staff to make available the latest and greatest research tools, methods, statistical analyses and knowledge.

Services include the following.

  • Consulting Support for faculty, staff and students from many domains of research – from simple requests regarding descriptive measures to structural equation models and Bayesian methods. 
  • Application Support Services Technical and analytical software support for a number of statistical packages, including an option for home use of many popular statistical and mathematics software packages. 
  • Instructional Support: Short Courses, Tutorials Self-paced online study guides introducing the basics of our supported statistical packages.
  • Data Support The DSA team can help you put your data into a usable form. 
  • Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research, ICPSR An international consortium of more than 750 academic institutions and research organizations, ICPSR (directly above) provides leadership and training in data access, curation, and methods of analysis for the social science research community.
  • Survey Support Support for survey research is provided for many departments on campus. 
  • Virtual Statistics Lab University IT offers quick access to the statistics, analytics and modeling software packages through the Virtual Statistics Lab. These applications are hosted on UNT servers and presented virtually to your on- or off-campus computer, meaning that you may use these full applications without the need to install them on your local computer.

High-Performance Computing • Talon 3

UNT's High-Performance Computing serves to enhance, support, and grow the research computing community at the University of North Texas. The HPC facility includes several high-performance computing clusters supported by high-speed networks, high-performance storage, and advanced software. The cluster systems are intended for computationally intensive LINUX-capable software. Systems may be available for use by any faculty or currently enrolled and qualified student at UNT, with additional requirements to use some resources.

  • Compute Nodes Talon 3.0 is a heterogeneous cluster with five different compute node types.  These specific nodes can be chosen in the Slurm queuing system.
  • Software A number of computational software codes that have been built and are maintained by the HPC Team. You can see a complete list by visiting the High-Performance Computing Scientific Software Guide.
  • Support For questions or information regarding the UNT HPC initiative, please e-mail us at hpc-admin@unt.edu.

Do you have a great idea about information technology? Let us know! Submit your idea today!