Instructional IT Services

Three photos: 1: showing students using desktop computers supported by the IITS Desktop Support Office; 2: a customer in the Exam and Research Data Support Office handing tests over to the manager for grading; 3: a photo of the testing cubicles in the Sage Hall Computer-Based Testing Center.

Instructional IT Services (IITS) directly supports student and faculty teaching and learning success through its online fixed space and mobile testing services, its classroom computer desktop provisioning and maintenance, and its continued support of traditional assessment and survey needs. The Classroom Desktop Services and Exam and Research Data Services departments located in IITS provide the technical foundations for current and future digital initiatives and programs that expand the effectiveness of instruction at UNT. Download our brochure.

Elizabeth Hinkle-Turner, director, IT support, 940-565-4808, General Academic Building, Room 205
For immediate Instructional IT Services assistance and information, call 940-369-6051.

Service Areas

Computer-Based Testing Services

Yonathan Khoe, cross-functional IT support supervisor, Testing Services Management, 940-369-8665, GAB, Room 204
Sam Wiggins, IT service desk manager, Testing Services Operations, 940-369-6298, Sage Hall, Room 332A

The Sage Hall Computer-Based Testing Center is available for professors of courses needing computerized testing in support of distance, blended or face-to-face classes. Assessment and testing are cornerstones of academic success. UNT actively supports faculty in the assessment of student learning and the Sage Hall Computer-Based Testing Center plays a strong role in this. The center provides an opportunity for secure, high stakes computer-based testing of large groups of students. The CBTC also provides instructors of UNT’s high-enrollment courses with robust opportunities for assessment while also supporting smaller courses, certification testing, and training sessions.

The UIT Mobile Testing Cart (30 laptops) is another resource for online testing. Instructional IT personnel will bring the cart to the classroom, and we offer proctor services and portable desktop testing carrels for optimum testing security. The laptops feature the same configuration and online assessment resources as the fixed-center machines. College of Business faculty members holding classes in the Business Leadership Building may use up to five additional mobile testing carts (200 machines) with the same features and security as part of a collaborative “pop-up testing center” project between the COB and UIT.

Microsoft Certification Testing – Computer-Based Testing Services offers Certiport/Pearson Certification Testing for most Microsoft Office applications. Areas interested in having students, faculty, or staff acquire these credentials should contact the IITS Director at 940-565-4808.

Regular semester hours available for testing reservations—fall, spring, summer:
Monday-Thursday  |  8 a.m.–9:30 p.m.
Friday  |  8 a.m.–6 p.m.
Saturday  |  9 a.m.–5 p.m.

Exam and Research Data Services

JoAnn Luksich, administrative coordinator, Exam and Research Data Services, 940-369-7416, GAB, Room 206

Summer hours: Monday-Friday  |  8 a.m.–5 p.m.
Fall- and spring-semester hours: Monday-Friday  |  7:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m.

Exam and Research Data Services is dedicated to ensuring faculty and student teaching and learning success by providing several options for automated exam form scoring and research data/entry scanning. General and specialized reports of exams and research results are compiled to meet customer needs.

UIT Desktop Services

Kris Selby, cross-functional IT support manager, campuswide and UNT Systemwide Initiatives and Services
Yonathan Khoe, cross-functional IT support supervisor, Testing Services Management, 940-369-8665, GAB, Room 204
Sam Wiggins, IT service desk manager, Testing Services Operations, 940-369-6298, Sage Hall, Room 332A

Office Hours: Monday-Friday   |   8 a.m.–8 p.m.
Location: GAB, Room 204 and Sage Hall, Room C330
Email:   |   Phone: 940-369-6051

The UIT Desktop Services team members support the goals of the university by facilitating a technical environment that enhances learning, research and testing through the use of technology. Team members provide technical management for the Discovery Park computer classrooms, Mobile Testing Services, and Sage Hall Computer-Based Testing Center in Room C330. The team also provides monitoring of server, application and network resources and provides management services and tools for Microsoft© desktops, laptops and servers and Apple© desktops, servers and mobile devices.

IITS Mission

The mission of Instructional Information Technology Services is to deliver IT services and infrastructure in support of instruction and learning within a framework of communication, integrity and accountability.

The IITS Division team members serve students, faculty and staff

  • as one of the first points of contact for computing use on campus;
  • offer exam processing and grading and research data compilation services to faculty;
  • administer computer classroom facilities, computer-based testing facilities, resource management services, and strategic research and instructional software licensing and access; and
  • support a superior level of high-performance research computing infrastructure and data visualization technologies. 
To accomplish this mission, members of the IITS team employ knowledgeable and professionally active technical consultants who have an effective combination of academic experience and technical expertise. 

Do you have a great idea about information technology? Let us know! Submit your idea today!