Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act

In response to former President George H. W. Bush's national drug control strategy, Congress passed legislation to require schools, colleges, and universities to implement and enforce drug prevention programs and policies as a condition of eligibility to receive federal financial assistance. 

On December 12, 1989, President Bush signed the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 (Amendments) Public Law 101-226. Section 22 of the Amendments amends provisions for the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1986 and the Higher Education Act of 1965 to require that, as a condition of receiving funds or any other form of financial assistance under any federal program after Oct. 1, 1990, a university or college must submit certification that it has adopted and implemented a drug prevention program.

As set forth in the above referenced statute, UNT Dallas is required to provide an annual distribution in writing to each employee and student the following information.

Students, faculty and staff may request this report by contacting the Dean of Students at 972-338-1775


Standards of Conduct

The use of illegal drugs or alcohol is defined within the Student Code of Conduct as “acts affecting the health, safety, and welfare” of both the student and the UNT Dallas community. UNT Dallas regulations prohibit the unlawful possession, distribution, sale, and use of illegal drugs and alcohol by all faculty, staff, students, or visitors to the campus, on UNT Dallas property, and at any University sponsored events.

University of North Texas at Dallas students are prohibited from the use of illegal drugs or alcohol on campus or as a representative of the institution of campus.

In accordance with Texas law, the legal age of alcohol consumption is 21 years of age. Based on the standards for student conduct any student found to be engaging in underage drinking will be in violation of the code of conduct. Furthermore there is an increased risk to safety when engaging in excessive drinking that could include public intoxication and driving under the influence, which can lead to additional violations.

UNT Dallas Drug Free Work Place Policy (Drug Free Work Place Policy)

Student Alcohol and Drug Policy (7.011 Alcohol and Substance Abuse Program.pdf)


Disciplinary Sanctions

Any student found engaging in this type of conduct may face penalties that range from a warning to expulsion. Students found to be in violation of the student code of conduct will be referred to the Office of Wellness Services to meet with a counselor for alcohol and drug related assessments, as well as comprehensive background and history evaluation that includes, familial upbringing, safety, support, substance use/abuse, health concerns, and the reason for the referral.

The counselor assigned will work with the student to assess presenting behaviors, readiness for change, and establish holistic goals targeted toward the behavior change.

Faculty sanctions are listed under the Faculty Discipline Policy

Staff sanctions are listed under the Staff Employee Discipline Policy

Student sanctions are listed under the Code of Student's Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct