Student Plan for Academic REcovery (SPARE) Program

Student Plan for Academic REcovery (SPARE) Program

The SPARE program is designed and required for all students who find themselves in any academic status other than good standing. As a result, you will have an advising required hold on your student account. You must complete the online SPARE workshop prior to meeting with an advisor in order to have the advising required hold removed.

Participation in SPARE program includes:

  1. Completing the online SPARE workshop through eCampus.
  2. Meeting with an academic advisor.
  3. Signing an academic contract.

Please note: Students in the SPARE program who have recently completed the online SPARE Workshop may be required to complete an additional/extended workshop for subsequent semesters.

Please note: It is important for all SPARE participants to meet with their academic advisors. Failure to meet the conditions of this program will hinder course registration.

Accessing the SPARE Workshop

  1. Log‐in to Canvas using your EUID and Password
  2. Go to SPARE: Student Success Workshop located on the dashboard

The SPARE Workshop answers the following questions:

  1. What is academic alert and probation?
  2. What is the impact of having a GPA below a 2.00?
  3. What can students do to earn and maintain a 2.00? 

Each section features a PowerPoint presentation, video, and quiz. You must earn a score of 40/50 or higher to move on to the next section. Once you have successfully completed the quiz then, the next module will unlock.
You can repeat each quiz up to three times. Pay close attention to each section presentation and take plenty of notes.

For more information about the SPARE program, contact the Academic Advising Office at 972-338-1645 or e-mail us at or