Faculty and/or Course-Evaluation Processing

Log in with your EUID and password to request your faculty and/or course-evaluation processing

Scan, edit and process UNT departmental faculty and/or course evaluations. The following standardized reports are available.

Department Overall   |   By Instructor-Course-Section   |   By Instructor

A Microsoft© Excel data file will be provided to run any customized reports.

Faculty/Course-Evaluation Processing Tips

Make sure you have the latest information when you prepare departmental evaluations for processing by the office of Exam and Research Data Services. These tips will help to ensure that your evaluations are processed in a timely manner.

  1. Use ONLY Scantron #4521 for evaluations.
  2. Indicate whether you wish for the professors' names to be included on the report, or whether you wish for only codes to appear on the reports.
  3. Important: If you are requesting the instructors' names to be included, please provide us with a list of professors and codes assigned to them.
  4. MOST IMPORTANTLY: Each group of Scantron forms must be separated – by paper clips, rubber bands, envelopes, etc. – at each point the instructor OR course OR section changes. Also, please be sure that Scantron forms are all face up, with the "cut" corner aligned.

NOTE: The FIRST Scantron form of each group must have the following information bubbled into the ID fields a through j.

  • Instructor number (Fields a-c)
  • Course number (Fields d-g) and
  • Section number (Fields h-j)
The remaining scantrons of that group do not need to be coded.


Please address your questions about content on this page to JoAnn Luksich, E&RDS manager, 940-369-7416. Self-service page.