Start Your Study Abroad Journey


1. Attend a Study Abroad 101 Workshop

UNT Study Abroad Ambassadors host workshops twice a week in the fall and spring semesters. These informative workshops cover the basics: program types, eligibility, housing, finances, the application process, and how to search for and choose a program. Sessions are held Mondays and Thursdays from 2:30-3:30 p.m. in Marquis Hall 215.  Sign up for a session.

2. Talk with your Academic Advisor about Study Abroad

Discuss course selection and graduation requirements. You can study abroad AND graduate on time. Check out study abroad options by degree program.

3. Discover Programs through the online portal

Choose from more than 800 programs in 90 countries to find the best fit for your academic goals.

4. Schedule a meeting with a Study Abroad Advisor

Start planning your study abroad experience.

5. Check out Funding Options

Explore scholarship, financial aid and external funding opportunities. Attend a Study Abroad Funding Workshop with the UNT Student Money Management Center. Speak with the Special Programs Advisor in the UNT Financial Aid Office.

6. Complete your Application online 

The MyStudyAbroad portal makes it easy.  Preview application documents

7. Prepare for your Study Abroad Experience

Your safety is a priority. Be sure to do your research prior to departure.

8. Attend a Pre-Departure Orientation Session

Pre-Departure Orientation is required. We'll cover what to pack, who to call in the event of an emergency and more. 

9. Get Ready for the Experience of a Lifetime!