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Studio Voice Syllabus and Guidelines

Studio Voice Syllabus and Guidelines

THIS HANDBOOK SERVES AS THE GENERAL GUIDELINE AND SYLLABUS FOR ALL COURSES AND SECTIONS OF APPLIED (STUDIO) VOICE.  Any requirements in the syllabi for individual teachers are in addition to those found in this document. This document is subject to revision; therefore the policies contained herein are considered applicable for the 2018-2019 academic year only. This document should in no way be construed to supersede UNT or College of Music policies.

Membership in a voice studio is a privilege, not a right. It is expected that students will behave in a professional manner at all times. Individual teachers have the right to deny membership in their own studios. Furthermore, students enrolled in any section of Voice are expressly forbidden from studying with another voice teacher, either on- or off-campus, without the consent of their voice instructor. Violation of this policy is considered grounds for removal from the Division of Vocal Studies.

Students caught cheating or plagiarizing will receive a "0" for that particular assignment or exam. Additionally, the incident will be reported to the Dean of Students, who may impose further penalty. According to the UNT catalog, the term “cheating" includes, but is not limited to: a. use of any unauthorized assistance in taking quizzes, tests, or examinations; b. dependence upon the aid of sources beyond those authorized by the instructor in writing papers, preparing reports, solving problems, or carrying out other assignments; c. the acquisition, without permission, of tests or other academic material belonging to a faculty or staff member of the university; d. dual submission of a paper or project, or resubmission of a paper or project to a different class without express permission from the instructor(s); or e. any other act designed to give a student an unfair advantage. The term “plagiarism” includes, but is not limited to: a. the knowing or negligent use by paraphrase or direct quotation of the published or unpublished work of another person without full and clear acknowledgment; and b. the knowing or negligent unacknowledged use of materials prepared by another person or agency engaged in the selling of term papers or other academic materials. 
LINK:  vpaa.unt.edu/dcgcover/resources/integrity

Any falsification of official documents, including Repertoire Sheets, is considered a violation of this policy. This includes, but is not limited to, listing repertoire as memorized that is not and listing previously studied repertoire as new. It is also considered a violation to give another student’s name to a student assistant taking attendance at a voice event.

Absences for Professional Reasons, Individual Students

The following policy is from the COM Faculty Handbook (Section 8.10.  https://music.unt.edu/sites/default/files/handbook-18-19.pdf#page=138)NOTE: This policy statement is not intended to apply to absences from large ensembles for professional reasons. These instances are governed by policies set forth in the course syllabus. 

1. A student who must be absent from a class for verified professional reasons is entitled to be excused from any punitive action (such as penalization of grade) for non-attendance; 

2. The student may be held responsible for any material presented in any class for which there is a professional excuse; 

3. Any assignments due during the time of absence must be turned in either in advance or at a time after return designated by the instructor; 

4. If a test is scheduled during an excused absence, the student is entitled to a make-up examination to be administered at the convenience of the instructor; 

5. The student must notify the instructor of an anticipated absence in advance of class and establish any make-up examination or assignment dates, if appropriate. Verification of the absence shall consist of a letter of explanation signed and dated by the sponsoring professor and the division chair, a copy of which shall be given the instructor. 

Additional wording for Graduate Students from the Graduate Student Handbook:  

Professional Expectation Policy 
The UNT College of Music expects graduate students in music to be committed to their degree and to follow the UNT Code of Student Conduct (University Policy Manual, section 07. 012). Success in a graduate program requires students not only to meet minimum academic standards but also to be active contributors to the artistic and scholarly community of the College of Music. Hence, students must exhibit professional behavior, which includes (but is not limited to): 1) attending classes and meetings (including seminars, masterclasses, and departmentals); 2) meeting area, division, college, and university deadlines; and 3) maintaining respectful interactions with all members of the UNT community. Students are also expected to adhere to professional standards as outlined in division/area handbooks. In cases where there is substantial evidence of unprofessional behavior, students will be removed from their program upon the recommendation of the director of graduate studies in consultation with the division chair and major professor. Students may appeal this decision by contacting the College of Music associate dean for academic affairs. 

The University of North Texas makes reasonable academic accommodation for students with disabilities. Students seeking accommodation must first register with the Office of Disability Access (ODA) to verify their eligibility. If a disability is verified, the ODA will provide you with an accommodation letter to be delivered to faculty to begin a private discussion regarding your specific needs in a course. You may request accommodations at any time, however, ODA notices of accommodation should be provided as early as possible in the semester to avoid any delay in implementation. Note that students must obtain a new letter of accommodation for every semester and must meet with each faculty member prior to implementation in each class. For additional information see the Office of Disability Access.
LINK:  disability.unt.edu  Phone: (940) 565-4323


Student behavior that interferes with an instructor’s ability to conduct a class or other students' opportunity to learn is unacceptable and disruptive and will not be tolerated in any instructional forum at UNT. Students engaging in unacceptable behavior will be directed to leave the classroom and the instructor may refer the student to the Dean of Students to consider whether the student's conduct violated the Code of Student Conduct. The university's expectations for student conduct apply to all instructional forums, including university and electronic classroom, labs, discussion groups, field trips, etc. 
LINK:  Student Code of Conduct -  https://deanofstudents.unt.edu/conduct

Your access point for business and academic services at UNT occurs at my.unt.edu. All official communication from the university will be delivered to your Eagle Connect account.  For more information, please visit the website that explains Eagle Connect.  

2018-2019 Semester Academic Schedule (with Add/Drop Dates)


Academic Calendar at a Glance, 2018-2019


Final Exam Schedule



A student must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) to continue to receive financial aid.  Students must maintain a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA in addition to successfully completing a required number of credit hours based on total registered hours per term.   Students cannot exceed attempted credit hours above 150% of their required degree plan.  If a student does not maintain the required standards, the student may lose their financial aid eligibility.

Students holding music scholarships must maintain a minimum 2.5 overall cumulative GPA and 3.0 cumulative GPA in music courses.

If at any point you consider dropping this or any other course, please be advised that the decision to do so may have the potential to affect your current and future financial aid eligibility. It is recommended that you to schedule a meeting with an academic advisor in your college or visit the Student Financial Aid and Scholarships office to discuss dropping a course being doing so.
LINK:   http://financialaid.unt.edu/sap
A student must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) to continue to receive financial aid. Students must maintain a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA in addition to successfully completing a required number of credit hours based on total registered hours per term. Music scholarships require a 3.5 cumulative GPA.  Students cannot exceed maximum timeframes established based on the published length of the graduate program.  If a student does not maintain the required standards, the student may lose their financial aid eligibility.   

If at any point you consider dropping this or any other course, please be advised that the decision to do so may have the potential to affect your current and future financial aid eligibility. It is recommended you schedule a meeting with an academic advisor in your college, an advisor in UNT-International or visit the Student Financial Aid and Scholarships office to discuss dropping a course.
LINK:   http://financialaid.unt.edu/sap

UNT’s Center for Counseling and Testing has an available counselor whose position includes 16 hours per week of dedicated service to students in the College of Music and the College of Visual Arts and Design.  Please visit the Center’s website for further information:  http://studentaffairs.unt.edu/counseling-and-testing-services.  For more information on mental health issues, please visit:  https://speakout.unt.edu.

The counselor for music students is:
Myriam Reynolds
Chestnut Hall, Suite 311
(940) 565-2741

Student records pertaining to this course are maintained in a secure location by the instructor of record. All records such as exams, answer sheets (with keys), and written papers submitted during the duration of the course are kept for at least one calendar year after course completion. Course work completed via the Blackboard/Canvas online system, including grading information and comments, is also stored in a safe electronic environment for one year. You have a right to view your individual record; however, information about your records will not be divulged to other individuals without the proper written consent. You are encouraged to review the Public Information Policy and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) laws and the university’s policy in accordance with those mandates.
Link: http://ferpa.unt.edu/