Alumni Society Board

If you are an Alumni Society member who wants to be directly involved with the inner workings of the Society, then you’ve come to the right place. The Alumni Society Board is composed of enthusiastic College of Information alumni, all of whom are chosen from within the organization by their peers.  The Board reflects the professional and geographic diversity of the College‘s alumni from each of the College’s departments.

Board of Directors
    · Attend Board meetings, which are held twice a year via internet or telephone.
    · Assist the President with the oversight of the Alumni Society.
    · Maintain membership in the organization
    · Serve a two year term with committee responsibilities.

Committees include:
    · Alumni awards
    · Long-range planning
    · Membership
    · Nominations
    · Mentoring


Board President
    · Assist the coordinator of Alumni Relations in the activities and decisions of the Alumni Society
    · Oversees the executive board
    · Represent the Board of Directors at functions and meetings
    · Assist with planning and fundraising
    · Serves on all the Board committees


Application: To apply to serve on the Alumni Society Board, please email:

Please note that you must be a current Alumni Society member to nominate a Board member and/or serve on a committee. Student representation serves as ex-officio members upon invitation.