

Basil Bouras

     MM, Clarinet Performance
     BM, Clarinet Performance
     BM, Music Education

Wise words of wisdom:

"You can have everything in life you want, if you just help enough       other people get what they want." --Zig Ziglar

Always say, "Thank you." 

Favorite piece of repertoire:

Whatever I happen to be working on at the time




Matt Casazza

     MM, Clarinet Performance

Future Plans:

I'm going to start taking auditions, and open myself up to musical experiences that I haven't had yet so that I can keep growing musically.

Wise words of wisdom:

"If there is a sense of reality, there must also be a sense of possibility."-Robert Musil

My advice is to practice your scales now! They're a lot more useful than you think they are, so keep doing it!

Favorite piece of repertoire:

Copland Clarinet Concerto




Chase Fowler

  MM, Clarinet Performance

  BM, Clarinet Performance, UNT 2014

Future Plans: 

Continue teaching in Frisco ISD (2014 - present) and continue Woodwind-doubling gigs in musicals and subing for regional orchestras.
Begin coaching with DSO's Associate Principal and E-flat Clarinietist, Paul Garner

Wise words of wisdom:

"If you're a complacent musician, you're in the wrong line of work. Music demands passion, constant creativity, and the willpower to never stop aiming towards perfection." 

Favorite piece of repertoire:

Any piece of chamber music where I get to play with strings players and late-Romantic orchestral works. 




We are immensely proud of our alumni and their myriad accoomplishments. Recent highlights include:

  • Jennifer Guzman has been appointed Adjunct Clarinet Instructor at Southeastern Oklahoma State University (fall 2017).
  • Cheyenne Cruz has been appointed Lecturer of Music at University of Texas Arlington (fall 2016).

Over the years, our alumni have achieved the following:

  • Performance Positions: United States Navy Fleet Band, Tucson Symphony Orchestra
  • Teaching Positions: Tarleton State University, Sam Houston State University, Stephen F. Austin State University, University of Texas at Arlington, Southeastern Oklahoma State University
  • Clinicians: "Reserve Method Clinicial" for the D'Addario Corporation
  • Competitions and Presentations: International Clarinet Association Orchestral Compeititon, Young Artist Competition, and Research Competition


Are you one of our UNT clarinet alumni? Tell us what you’re doing – e-mail Dr. Luevano at or Dr. Scott at


Marguerite (Baker) Levin (B.M. from NTSU) performing at ClarinetFest 2010. She is professor of clarinet at Towson University and principal clarinet of the Baltimore Opera Orchestra. She has a new website,


Dr. Gillespie poses with former student Diane Potts (MM '09), clarinetist in the Navy Band Southeast, at ClarinetFest 2010.


Congratulations to Meaghan Walsh Kawaller (BM '06) and MM from DePaul University 2009, 3rd place winner in the International Clarinet Association Young Artist Competition 2010.  Pictured left to right: John Scott, Meaghan Kawaller, Julie DeRoche, Larry Combs.


Garry Evans (D.M.A.), professor of clarinet at Texas Woman's University, with Dr. Gillespie and Dr. Scott.


James Gillespie with former UNT clarinet students James Logan, clarinet section leader (B.M.), and Cindy Wolverton (D.M.A.) during a rehearsal break with the U.S. Navy Band, Washington, DC.