The UNT Kristin Farmer Autism Center
940-369-5373 • 490 S I-35E • Denton, TX
8am - 6pm • Mon - Fri

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11th Annual Adventures in Autism Intervention & Research Conference
Saturday, July 20th, 2019
UNT Gateway Center

Keynote Presentations

  • "Next Year Is Now-Educating Children With Autism Is A Team Game”
  • "Helping School-Aged Students With Autism Succeed In General Education Classrooms"
  • "Typical and Atypical Development-when Should We Be Concerned?"
  • Thirty Years Plus of Lessons Learned in Early Identification and Intensive Interventions in ASD: Questions and Answers with Dr. Pauline Filipek
  • More than 20 presentations!

It will be a life-changing conference that you won’t want to miss!


The UNT Kristin Farmer Autism Center is a:

Staff and student

  • Research-Based
  • Multidisciplinary
  • Comprehensive
  • Across the Spectrum
  • Across the Lifespan

Research, Training, and Direct Services Center.