Duplicate Entries Removed from Data.gov Catalog

In the last few days, you may have noticed a significant drop in the total number of datasets displayed on the Data.gov catalog . The decrease was not due to an actual reduction in the number of datasets, but the removal … Continued

USAID Announces Launch of New Improved Data Repository

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) has launched a new, improved data repository to make better use of the valuable Agency-funded data being gathered from all over the world. The Development Data Library (DDL) is USAID’s publicly available repository … Continued

Data.gov Catalog Update

The heart of Data.gov is the catalog . The Data.gov catalog brings together datasets from hundreds of agency sources across the federal government and from 50 non-federal sources. Metadata for datasets that are available to the public are maintained by the … Continued

Check out Data.gov’s new Metrics Page

Data.gov recently updated its Metrics page to provide greater detail and transparency to the progress of the Data.gov catalog.   Data.gov is primarily a metadata catalog, providing information about, and links to, open datasets made available by federal agencies and participating … Continued

The Northeast Regional Ocean Council and Maritime Data

When it comes to ocean planning, there are multiple user groups, activity types, natural resources, and physical forces to consider.  In the face of such complexity, local planning efforts can benefit from federally funded consistent data collection and sharing, especially when involving … Continued