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"Items I Own" Product Registry: Safety + So Much More
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'Items I Own' checks your belongings against thousands of recalls at once.

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No matter where you got it or how long you've had it, 'Items I Own' can check it.

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Get relevant product recall & safety alerts on the items YOU own.


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Safety Points show how many injuries you have prevented by registering your products.

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From insurance claims to thank you notes, 'Items I Own' helps you get it done.

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When you are ready to give something away, 'Items I Own' helps you tell your friends and pass along the safety alerts.

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Safe Showers

Easily enter shower gifts as they're opened, and keep both mom and baby SAFE for years to come.

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Safer Children's Resale Starts Now!
Across the nation, Consignment Sale Event holders, Resale Store owners, and Parents who consign are taking the Safety Pledge! As a community, we are committed to checking products for past recalls, and registering them for future recall alerts. Our Children are Worth it!

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