Welcome to Climate.Data.gov!

In this new and pilot-stage of Climate.Data.gov, you will find resources to help companies, communities, and citizens understand and prepare for the impacts of coastal flooding and sea level rise. Over time, you’ll find more datasets, web services, and tools, as well as other themes such as the vulnerability of the food supply and the threats to human health from climate change.

Check out the data catalog to browse relevant datasets. If you are looking for a streamlined list, the resources page features datasets and services on coastal vulnerability.

Looking for information to help you and your community plan for coastal flooding and sea level rise? Please review our list of tools, which will grow over time.

If you are a problem-solver or entrepreneur who wants to take on a big challenge to help communities and citizens be more aware and prepared for climate change, check out the challenges.

12 Responses to “Welcome to Climate.Data.gov!”

  1. Bill McLaughlin

    I have just started a class in education and monitoring Puget Sound here in WA. State. This site will be a great benefit in my education and assisting others in theirs.

  2. Iqbal Rizvi

    I am interested in this app and web site to plan and be informed for my family and community about the global climate change and how it affects us.

  3. Rick Betita

    This is very exciting news! Open access to multiple datasets will encourage the kind of innovative, multidisciplinary solutions we need to solve the problems that lie ahead, both in the near future and further down the road.

  4. Jonathan Parfrey

    Love the Google Earth mapping.

  5. David Schneider

    See the Climate Data Guide, https://climatedataguide.ucar.edu/. Many users of climate.data.gov may be interested in this resource, which provides descriptions of and access to over 160 physical climate data sets, the vast majority of which are freely available for research purposes. Based at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, the website provides concise summaries of the strengths and limitations of each data set. With the vast amount of climate data available, it can be difficult for potential data users to select an appropriate data set for their purpose, or to understand the nuances and underlying assumptions of the data sets that are commonly used. Using the Climate Data Guide is like consulting a Lonely Planet guidebook to an unexplored country. It reveals the key insights that users need to select the data that best align with their goals. Data providers and data analysis experts are invited to add their data and commentary to the Climate Data Guide, see https://climatedataguide.ucar.edu/contribute.

  6. Philip Caswell

    I do not know in what format the data are in, or how it/they can be used. I hope that (free) data-compatible apps will be available to interpret the data provided. Alternatively, all data should indicate (at least through file extensions) what format they are in and/or what applications can open/use them.

    • Philip Caswell

      Spoke too soon. Data in other areas are nicely identified, including multiple format options. Available applications, however, appear to be “handy” unrelated “utilities” (e.g. finding a place to park your bike). I’m sure this, too, will evolve and expand. Thanks.

  7. Laine P

    I had my students play around on this website and they found it to be un-intuitive, ugly, and cumbersome. However, we all agreed the website is a great idea! The gov needs to buy some access to some scholarly articles and place those on here. Right now it is incomplete and too broad to be of an use. We searched the same query, “portage glacier” in our university database and your search function. The school’s results were superior in what it told us about the glacier in regards to climate change. It will be expensive, but the gov will have to buy access to some scholarly journals or else this website will not be a database but mere propaganda.
    I hope this website develops into something amazing! I appreciate the effort!

  8. Bill Stalzer

    I’m looking forward to this site.

  9. Alison B Lowndes

    Great start but if you want this to succeed, as Sevcik’s article suggested “White House launches website to visualize climate change” then you need more “VISUALIZATIONS”. The general public need pictures!! They will share pictures, visualisations. Scientists and analysts need the data but if you want to make an impact, start with pictures.

  10. tHANKYoU

    mUch aPreCIAtive oF This Data !

  11. Alan Holyoak

    I just heard about the site, and stopped by for a visit. I LOVE that the US gov has launched this site. Climate change is real, and maybe this site will help open people’s eyes to that.

    Keep up the good work!

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