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The Strategic Partnership Program

The Strategic Partnership Program

“We are seeing that a vibrant partnership between our government and our businesses can play a critical role in deepening our commercial relationships; shaping a well-functioning international economic order; and promoting a future of peace and prosperity for communities across the globe.”

U.S. Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker
Remarks for receiving Commercial Diplomat of the Year Award
October 21, 2015

Recognizing the importance of collaboration and partnership for international business success, the International Trade Administration (ITA) launched the Strategic Partnership Program. By working with trade associations, private corporations, chambers of commerce, government entities, and other organizations that share ITA’s goals and objectives, ITA is better able to achieve its mission of enhancing America’s global competitiveness. Through the partnerships, we are communicating with millions of U.S. businesses about global opportunities. Our partnerships enable us to broaden and deepen our outreach and also provide ITA with important feedback. Benefits include:

  • Growing the U.S. exporter base, thereby supporting U.S. jobs at wages 13 to 18 percent higher than non-exporting firms;
  • Helping ITA target its products and services to the needs of America’s businesses; and
  • Increasing awareness of the benefits of international trade and foreign direct investment to the U.S. economy.

“We’ll create public-private partnerships to help firms break into new markets with the help of those who have been there – shipping and supply-chain companies, for example.”

President Obama
Export-Import Bank Annual Conference
March 11, 2010

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