Russia Investigation

Latest news about the investigation into Russia's role in the 2016 election.

Trump, in Super Bowl interview, talks Mueller and shutdownTrump, in Super Bowl interview, talks Mueller and shutdownTrump, in Super Bowl interview, talks Mueller and shutdown


Russia still poses threat to U.S. elections especially through social mediaRussia still poses threat to U.S. elections especially through social ...Russia still poses threat to U.S. elections especially through social media


Paul Butler: Mueller's won’t indict #Trump but has leverage over president in Donald Trump, Jr.Paul Butler: Mueller's won’t indict #Trump but has leverage over presi...Paul Butler: Mueller's won’t indict #Trump but has leverage over president in Donald Trump, Jr.


Rep. Ted Lieu: Nancy Pelosi is a badass because we're getting real border security not a stupid wallRep. Ted Lieu: Nancy Pelosi is a badass because we're getting real bor...Rep. Ted Lieu: Nancy Pelosi is a badass because we're getting real border security not a stupid wall


Russia pulls out of INF nuclear treaty with USRussia pulls out of INF nuclear treaty with USRussia pulls out of INF nuclear treaty with US
