

  1. Photo
    CreditMeridith Kohut for The New York Times

    Guaidó Steers Venezuela to a Perilous Crossroads

    The young lawmaker Juan Guaidó, in perpetual motion as he fields calls from world leaders and visits ordinary Venezuelans, sees a clear, if daunting, path to ousting Nicolás Maduro.


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    CreditArash Khamooshi for The New York Times

    More Bark Than Bite in Iran’s Ban on Walking Dogs

    Tehranians, accustomed to periodic crackdowns by their Islamic guardians, are not taking the decree all that seriously. Nor, it seems, are the police.

China’s Reach

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    CreditLucie Mikolaskova/Czech News Agency, via Associated Press

    A Chinese Tycoon Sought Power and Influence. Washington Responded.

    Ye Jianming courted the Biden family and networked with former United States security officials. Today, his empire is crashing down in court.


