Stop blaming millennials

Stop blaming millennials

Stop blaming millennials
March 30
10:00 2018

It’s no secret millennials are blamed for a lot of circumstances by older generations, namely the Baby Boomers.

Millennials are people born from the year of 1980 till 1994. The boundaries aren’t too restricted for the generations, so the years may fluctuate or overlap.

Baby Boomers are people who were born in the year bracket from 1946 to 1964, following the ending of the second World War.

These two generations are completely different in how they were raised: the Baby Boomers were raised with no internet, and they were accustomed to antenna televisions and pagers. However, millennials were born surrounded by cell phones and new technology. The internet was making its first appearance, and it was what kids grew up with.

Now, millennials are adults in the workforce, and Baby Boomers aren’t excited.

I’ve heard a number of rumors about millennials. Apparently they don’t know how to prepare for an interview or how to write a resume.

Instead of shutting the future generation down we should be raising them up. Millennials are now the largest generation, outnumbering all the others. If they aren’t educated on how to “adult,” we should step up and help them.

Why should we want the future to fail? If anything, we should be encouraging them to achieve their best.

We’ve heard stories of reminiscing about what life used to be like before the spread of the internet and social media, and sometimes we wish it were like that now. However, every generation has to realize that this is the future. Technology is only going to advance. Millennials are not vain, entitled or lazy — they just want to be given the right opportunity.

Millennials are stepping in and voting. They are striving for equality amongst genders, so they must be doing something right, right?

And sure, social media has taken a toll on the new generation, but we are able to relate to others easier. Websites like YouTube and Facebook have allowed us to share our lives and ideas with others.

They say that millennials want praise for every little thing and that hard work isn’t something they strive for, but this is not true. Older generations need to change their perspectives on the youth. They need to give their guidance, and aid them toward the right direction.

Featured Image: Illustration by Austin Banzon

About Author

Kenya Menjivar

Kenya Menjivar

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