
    Conservatives looking to federal courts for partisan support may be fighting an uphill battle

Conservatives looking to federal courts for partisan support may be fighting an uphill battle

by Amber Gaudet | contributing writer All pretense of respect for constitutional freedoms fell away this November as political tactics pushing a conservative agenda have grown increasingly aggressive, making federal courts the last vestige of due process. On both national and state levels, the latest conservative political maneuvers have signaled

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    California wildfires should not be subject to controversy in the media and politics

California wildfires should not be subject to controversy in the media and politics

As the smoke cleared and the sky returned from its tawny form, the Golden State was left resembling ground zero on a planet that resembled Mars more than it resembled Earth. Forests burned to the ground, fields of green now tarnished black piles of ash and California is now almost

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    President Trump can’t re-write the rights of immigrants

President Trump can’t re-write the rights of immigrants

What does it mean to be “American?” Something that started as an idea with the hope of endless possibilities became an exclusive, singular expectation developed out of fear. Nationalism has lost its way, straying from the appreciation of diversity that distinguishes us from other nations. We once believed our varying

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    The system isn’t “broken”: The Supreme Court has historically underrepresented minorities

The system isn’t “broken”: The Supreme Court has historically underrepresented minorities

The Supreme Court was never really a sacred government sector. It is easy to believe that the appointment of Brett Kavanaugh has compromised the values of the nation’s highest and most revered court, but that’s not at all true. For it to be true, the Supreme Court would have to

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    Unconditionally free speech can no longer exist in our world

Unconditionally free speech can no longer exist in our world

The premise of social media website Gab is easy enough to understand: Free speech for all, regardless of opinions or political views. After major social media sites Facebook and Twitter began to receive pressure from the government to police hate speech on their platforms, Gab swooped in and advocated itself

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    Political differences: why some of us can’t simply overlook them

Political differences: why some of us can’t simply overlook them

Political beliefs are not as simple as choosing between the partisan sides of Republican versus Democrat. It is within these beliefs that our differing personal experiences throughout life have created ideals of morality — a strong moral compass directing us toward what we feel is right. It feels as though

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    What it really means to be socially correct in these times of change

What it really means to be socially correct in these times of change

The world has changed a lot in the past 100 years — from technology, to medicine, to what we wear when we go out. Another huge aspect that has both changed yet somewhat stayed the same is how we talk to each other. As a Western culture, we have started

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    The United States should embrace its immigrants, not abuse them

The United States should embrace its immigrants, not abuse them

Those who immigrate to the U.S. illegally are one dimensional in many American minds: A lot of citizens find it hard to look past their illegal crossings into the U.S. to be able to see them as people needing help, but illegal entry should not bar them from humane treatment.

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    Steps should be taken to better understand and diagnose mental illness

Steps should be taken to better understand and diagnose mental illness

Mental health is a broadening and ever-changing subject. The way it is diagnosed, the way it is treated by medical professionals and the way society has come to accept these parts of our lives is up for debate. Psychiatric drugs have the potential to create stability and routine, and have

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    The minimalist lifestyle has its flaws, but can be invoked in small ways

The minimalist lifestyle has its flaws, but can be invoked in small ways

Covered in dust, violet butterflies and overflowing with cards from birthdays and holidays past is a lilac box that lives at the top of my closet. Stuffed in drawers and scattered on the floor are once-loved clothes and shoes I can’t bear to wear or throw away. I keep these

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