Editorial Blog

    Contrary to what Trump says, the US should help asylum-seeking migrants

Contrary to what Trump says, the US should help asylum-seeking migrants

Since October, a caravan of thousands of migrants from crime and poverty-ridden countries in Central America has been journeying on foot to the U.S. to seek asylum status. President Donald Trump and supporters have consistently demonized the caravan — Trump going so far as threatening to permanently close the southern

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    UNT’s proposed tuition increase illustrates the effects of tuition deregulation

UNT’s proposed tuition increase illustrates the effects of tuition deregulation

UNT just quietly announced its plans to raise tuition in the coming years — specifically within the Mayborn School of Journalism, the College of Visual Arts and Design, the College of Science and Toulouse Graduate School. The UNT Board of Regents will hear and vote on the proposed increase at

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    Local journalism cannot continue without a resurgence in support

Local journalism cannot continue without a resurgence in support

The New York Times — which you may have heard President Trump refer to as “the failing New York Times” on more than one occasion — is actually doing pretty well this year financially. The media giant’s third-quarter numbers were released last week, and it is on track to surpass

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    Political polarization can only be overcome through togetherness

Political polarization can only be overcome through togetherness

With midterm elections on the horizon, it is becoming increasingly difficult to escape the resurrection of political divisiveness. Regardless of the outcome, one thing all sides of the spectrum need to understand — like it or not— is that the only way to progress is to do so together. If

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    Trump administration’s plan to redefine gender will further persecute transgender people

Trump administration’s plan to redefine gender will further persecute transgender people

It was discovered earlier this week that the Trump administration intends to roll back Obama-era advancements in legislative protection of transgender people. In a memo obtained by the New York Times, the Department of Health and Human Services stated plans to establish a narrow, legal definition of sex, which will

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    The North Texas Daily recommends Beto O’Rourke for the U.S. Senate

The North Texas Daily recommends Beto O’Rourke for the U.S. Senate

During Tuesday’s debate between U.S. Senate candidates Beto O’Rourke and Ted Cruz, one candidate stood out. One candidate demonstrated a detailed knowledge of politics past, a seasoned understanding of what matters to Texans and a passion to right long-standing wrongs with his election to Congress. That candidate is Beto O’Rourke.

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    Multiple clues suggest Texas may be stifling voter registration

Multiple clues suggest Texas may be stifling voter registration

Last week it was announced that thousands of citizens who registered to vote through vote.org, a third-party, nonprofit voter registration website, may not actually be eligible to vote. The organization mailed and faxed voter applications to county registrars in compliance with laws, but had users upload digital signatures in lieu

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    Kavanaugh trial epitomizes vast discrepancy in how men and women live

Kavanaugh trial epitomizes vast discrepancy in how men and women live

“What will it take for people to put the well being of the country above partisanship?” “How can I ever hope for justice in my case or others’ when the whole country is ran by sexual predators?” “We’ve normalized abusive behavior because men minimize and belittle our experiences — and

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    #SaveStudentNewsrooms: UNT’s independent student media face severe budget cuts

#SaveStudentNewsrooms: UNT’s independent student media face severe budget cuts

We have seen — especially in recent years — how utterly vital it is to democracy to forge and sustain an independent, unbiased media. But the fight against fake news and the fight to defend the First Amendment are not the only media struggles that demand our attention. Student-run media

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    Williams’ game at US Open was hindered by inconsistent, biased officiating

Williams’ game at US Open was hindered by inconsistent, biased officiating

Serena Williams is arguably one of the best tennis players in the world, but even she is not exempt from unfair treatment based on race and gender. Williams’ performance at the U.S. Open a few days ago worked many people on social media into a tizzy, shaming the player for

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