
Latest News from CLEAR

The November Teaching Excellence Spotlight awardee is Dr. Kiko Kawamura, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Mathematics. Dr. Kawamura teaches a variety of course in the Department of Mathematics and uses active learning methods to engage students in their learning.  View her full interview and previous awardees here.

Nominations are open for the Outstanding Online Course &...

From UNT-International

Fulbright FridaysJoin UNT International for information sessions on the Fulbright Scholar and Specialist Programs. Learn about opportunities for engaging in research and/or teaching abroad or serving as an expert consultant at an institution abroad.  November 16 | 11 am to Noon | Marquis Hall, 107 Getting Engaged Internationally WorkshopJoin the Office for Faculty Success and UNT International...

2018-19 Salute to Faculty Excellence Call for Nominations

Reminder! The 2018-19 Salute to Faculty Excellence deadline for nominations is January 18, 2019, unless stated differently. Please be aware that some awards call for external letters, so plan accordingly. Also, if you or someone in your department receives an External Award this year, please forward to the Office of Faculty Success so that we may also list those in the program.

I hope...

Climate Survey

Watch your inbox starting on October 29 for UNT’s first ever campus-wide climate survey.  The survey is intended to identify strengths and opportunities related to diversity, equity and inclusion to all faculty, staff, students and administrators. With nearly 50% students of color and our emerging status as a Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI), inclusion is an important issue in UNT’s future....

SPOT Survey

Student Perceptions of Teaching (SPOT) is the student evaluation system for UNT, and allows students the ability to confidentially provide constructive feedback to their instructor and department to improve the quality of student experiences in the course.  SPOT opens on November 19 and closes on December 6.  The faculty portal can be located at  The portal...


The COACHE Steering Committee is off and running. The Steering Committee is tasked with converting the results of the 2017-18 COACHE survey into an action plan to make UNT "A Best Place to Work" in the estimation of UNT faculty. More specifically, Provost Jennifer Cowley has charged the Steering Committee to 1) analyze the results of the survey; 2) determine areas of concern (as indicated by...

Networking Resources for Faculty

Networking and collaborating are powerful ways that faculty can improve their productivity. There are a number of faculty-led groups on our campus designed to connect faculty with one another.

Black Faculty Network: click here or contact Chandra Carey for more information. International Faculty Network: click here or contact Rachita Sharma for more information. La Colectiva (a network for...

Professional Development Opportunity

The Department of Media Arts is hosting the inaugural Mediating Change Conference at UNT, November 1-2, 2018.  The conference focuses on the roles of media in creating a more equitable, inclusive, sustainable, and just society. The goal is to bring scholars, media practitioners, educators, and/or activists together in one space so that we can all learn from and about each other’s research,...

Climate Survey

UNT will conduct it’s first-ever Campus Inclusion Climate Survey October 29 – November 16th. Four customized survey tools for UNT Denton faculty, staff, students and administrators will be sent directly to your UNT email. The anonymous responses will help UNT to create a strategic plan for diversity and inclusion that considers UNT’s multiple perspectives. We encourage you as faculty to...

Changes in the Office of Faculty Success

I will be serving as Interim Associate Vice Provost for Faculty while my predecessor, Dr. Michael McPherson, serves as Acting Dean of the Mayborn School of Journalism this year. Mike certainly left big shoes to fill, but I will do my best to keep things moving in his absence. Of all the positions that I have held, I think this is most exciting – what better gig than helping my fellow faculty...