Faculty Writing Group

The UNT Faculty Writing Group helps faculty learn and maintain writing practices that benefit their writing projects. Bimonthly all day writing retreats are offered to help faculty work on any of their research projects (i.e. journal articles, review, chapters, books, proposals, etc.). Breakfast and lunch are provided at these retreats as well as a quiet writing place or collaboration space for faculty to meet. Periodic seminars and discussions on best writing practices are offered throughout the year by faculty within the group. Also for faculty who need a quiet place to write during the week, a writing space is provided with coffee and tea and snacks available, M-F, 8am – 5pm.

New faculty in particular often spend many hours on the teaching and service areas of their workloads. Though important, these areas can quickly crowd out any hours needed to excel in research. The most critical research habit any professor can develop is a daily writing schedule. Many studies have shown that as little as 45 minutes to 1 hour of daily writing can produce prolific articles, chapters, books, and proposals over the career of a professor. Unfortunately, many professors underestimate the value of starting a daily writing ritual and sticking with it. UNT’s Faculty Writing Group encourages the development of daily writing, facilitates peer discussions aimed at improving writing, and provides a quiet place for faculty members to write. Faculty and Lecturers of all ranks are welcomed.

For more information about the Faculty Writing Group, please contact Teresa Golden.