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MUJS 1132, Piano II

MUJS 1132
Jazz Piano Performance Fundamental II
Instructor: TF (TBA)
Office: MU #272
Phone: TBA
Email: TBA

Class Time: TU/TH 3:00-3:50PM in room #292

Prerequisite: Successful completion of MUJS 1371 & MUJS 1131 or by consent of instructor

Course Content:
MUJS 1132 will cover the following topics:
• The evolution of jazz piano and its innovators
• Orchestration (continuation of orchestration devices: shell-voicings, block chords, drop-2, “So What”, modal/quartal voicings, and poly-chords)
• Chord substitutions
• Comping techniques (including various transcription assignments)
• Piano trio arranging and performance

Suggested Texts:

• Weekly Assignments- P/F (failure to pass all assignments will result in an automatic “C” in the class)
• Five Comping transcriptions- 15% x 5= 75%
• Listening test- 10%
• Trio performance- 15% (Final Exam)

Attendance Policy:
Two unexcused absences are permitted, however beyond the 2nd unexcused absence, each absence will lower your final semester grade by one letter grade. Excused absences must be cleared in advance.

Week 1: Introduction week and lecture on comping techniques
Week 2: Comping transcription exam #1 (from Aebersold Vol. 55- Hal Galper's comping)
Week 3: Comping transcription exam #2 (from Aebersold Vol. 55- Hal Galper's comping)
Week 4: Comping transcription exam #3 (transcribed by the student)
Week 5: Comping transcription exam #4 (transcribed by the student)
Week 6: Comping transcription exam #5 (transcribed by the student)
Week 7-8: Jazz piano innovators (listening)
Week 9: Lecture on piano trio playing including trio arranging techniques
Week 10-13: Trio Playing
Week 14: Listening Test
Week 15: Final Exam – Trio performances

Compliance with Federal Statues: The College of Music complies with, "The American's With Disabilities Act", in making reasonable accommodations for qualified students with disability. If you have an established disability as defied in this act and would like to request accommodations, please see me as soon as possible.

Scholastic Honesty Policy: Cheating, in any form, will result in an automatic grade of "F" in the course, the removal of the student from the course, and immediate reporting of the student's actions to the office of the Dean of Students and to the office of the Dean of College of Music.