A Day in the Life of UNT

A Day in the Life of UNT

A Day in the Life of UNT
May 04
14:36 2018

Dozens of Frank W. and Sue Mayborn School of Journalism student journalists took the pulse of the University of North Texas for 24 hours on April 4.

What happens on the UNT campus on a typical spring day? Dozens of student journalists spent 24 hours taking the pulse of campus life. Here are their stories.

12 p.m. to 6 a.m.:The Night Shift

6 a.m. to noon: It’s a beautiful day

12 p.m. to 6 p.m.: Good afternoon!

6 p.m. to midnight: Tonight’s the night

Social media feed: #DAYUNT

The Night Shift

It’s a beautiful day

Good afternoon!

Tonight’s the night

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Mayborn Multimedia

Mayborn Multimedia

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