Veterans Panel Discussion for Law Students

November 11, 2015

On Veteran’s Day, Chris Attig and Dan Burton, of the Attig Law Firm, gave a powerful presentation to students as they discussed their military experience and diverse practice area which includes representation of veterans all over the United States.  The Office of Career and Professional Development and the Veterans Law Student Association worked together to bring these attorneys to UNT Dallas College of Law.  Topics included how to start a career in veteran’s advocacy, life as a JAG, and how various areas of the law touch the lives of veterans on a daily basis.

Billy Clark, a 2L student who attended the presentation, stated, “Getting the opportunity to hear from lawyers that are actual military veterans themselves discuss the legal services provided for our military veterans was an excellent start to our Veteran’s Day celebration.  As a fellow veteran, I am exceptionally passionate about taking care of our men and women that have answered our nation’s call; knowing that there are specialized areas of the law where I could continue to serve is priceless.”

Ashley Swenson, a 2L student who also attended the event, added, “Being able to listen to speakers at the Veterans Panel opened my eyes to all the issues that veterans really deal with, and made me want to do more in the realm of veteran’s advocacy.”

Regarding his presentation at UNT Dallas College of Law, Mr. Attig stated, “When we talk about the legal issues that veterans face, we have to start with the recognition that veterans have different needs in the 21st century.  Addressing those needs starts with rolling up our sleeves and doing work in our own communities to support efforts to reintegrate veterans into the civilian lives they left behind.  This is why I- and the Attig Law Firm- so strongly support the work of Judge Furguson and his team at UNT Dallas College of Law:  they are teaching a new generation of lawyers to learn and serve by doing.”  

Mr. Attig and Mr. Burton have represented veterans in VA Appeals to VA Regional Offices, the Board of Veterans Appeals, the Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims, and the Federal Circuit of Appeals. Their full biographies can be found at

Page last modified on November 17, 2015 at 11:10 am.