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The College of Visual Arts and Design (CVAD) at the University of North Texas (UNT) assumes a critical role in building our region into a world-renowned center for culture and education. CVAD fosters creative futures for its diverse student population and the area through rigorous arts-based education, arts- and client-based studio practice, scholarship and research.

On view in the CVAD Galleries

Weekly rotating exhibitions
Weekly rotating exhibitions
Visit gallery.unt.edu for more info


Learn about scholarships, grants, gallery shows, calls for papers, and other opportunities to get engaged.


For the latest accomplishments, events, and news in the CVAD community, see our announcements.


Learn more about what's going on through CVAD department and program blogs.

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Student accomplishments

Maria Razo, Lithograph, 2014

Maria Razo - Lithograph, 2014

Studio Art

Maria Razo - Lithograph, 2014

Alumni accomplishments

Annette Becker

Annette Becker (Art History MA, 2015) was formerly the Assistant to the Director of the Spencer Art Museum at the University of Kansas. In September 2016, she returned to Denton and UNT to serve as Director of the Texas Fashion Collection.

Art Education and Art History
Art History

Annette Becker (Art History MA, 2015) was formerly the Assistant to the Director of the Spencer Art Museum at the University of Kansas. In September 2016, she returned to Denton and UNT to serve as Director of the Texas Fashion Collection.