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University of North Texas

Division of Student Affairs

Student Money Management Center

Memorial Loan Program

A Memorial Loan is a short-term, needs based emergency loan that enables students to remain enrolled. Loan amounts vary reflecting the needs-based assistance requested by each applicant. Only Denton campus students are eligible to apply to this loan program. An one-time 1% origination fee is applied to the loan. Loan cannot be used for current tuition, on-campus housing, prior balances, or study abroad payments Repayment of loan and interest is the responsibility of the student and is required to be repaid as defined by the terms stated in the signed promissory note. Application and loan processing dates vary with each semester. Students are limited to 1 loan per semester (summer semesters are considered one semester). Unpaid accounts will be considered late one (1) day past the repayment date stated in the signed promissory note and assessed a $25 late penalty. An unpaid account will be considered in default status (31) thirty-one days past the repayment date stated in the signed promissory note and assessed an additional $25 default penalty.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Must be a UNT Denton campus student
  • Must be at least 18 years of age
  • Must be enrolled in the loan cycle semester
  • Must show the ability to repay the loan and interest
  • Student account must be clear of all negative financial blocks
  • Student must be enrolled at time of application

Cumulative UNT GPA Requirement

  • 2.0 (waived for first-semester students)

Consideration Levels

  • Fall & Spring - $500
  • Summer - $197

Repayment Deadline

Summer 2018 - July 20, 2018

Terms and Conditions

  • Students may apply for one (1) loan per semester
  • Loan cannot be used for current tuition, on-campus housing, prior balances, or study abroad payments
  • A signed promissory note is required to be on file before disbursement of loan funds occurs
  • Release of funds can take up to 5 business days after receipt of signed promissory note
  • Accounts in late status (one day past the due date) will be assessed an additional $25 late penalty charge
  • Should a loan become late the applicant is ineligible to apply to any SMMC loan programs for twelve months after repayment occurs
  • Accounts in default status (thirty-one days past the due date) will assessed a $25 default penalty charge
  • Default accounts are sent to Financial Services for collections - the student's credit will be negatively impacted by this action
  •  Origination fee for the loan will not be repaid by federally-funded financial aid
  • Transcript and registration blocks will be applied to default accounts

To Apply

Applications are processed only by the Student Money Management Center:

University of North Texas
Chestnut Hall, Suite 313
Denton Campus
