Tech Tour #10: Legal Entertainment

Caricature of Scrappy the Eagle next to the words Legal Eagles have Fun! and a group of enthusiastic students in the stands at Apogee Stadium.

Stop #10 is about music, videos and more for legal eagles.

On the previous page, you learned about copyright, fair use and infringement. Now it is time to look at legal sources for your entertainment.

Trying to stay up-to-date on the availability of music and video resources online and otherwise is often a challenge. The list of websites and resources below is only a jumping-off point. Remember, Google (or insert your favorite search engine name here) is your friend. Looking for something? Search the World Wide Web; it is probably out there! Whatever you do, always stay on the legal side of finding your entertainment. The Recording Industry Association of America®, RIAA, and/or the Motion Picture Association of America, MPAA, may be watching. Seriously.

UNT takes a hard stance against the illegal sharing of copyright-protected material; for more information please read UNT's Approach to Addressing Copyright Infringement.

ResNet and the Residence Halls

  • The University of North Texas has partnered with Apogee in order to provide Residential Network, called ResNet, service. You can view Apogee’s end-user agreement at Additionally, EDUCAUSE, A nonprofit association whose mission is to advance higher education by promoting the intelligent use of information technology, has created a page that provides resources for legal campus downloading. Some of the sites they list for legal music downloads are listed below.
Your options include the following.

On the Internet

Many websites offer a combination of music and videos for sale and, at times, free.

On Campus

  • A great source of free music and videos on campus is the University of North Texas Libraries. Specifically, the Media Library and the Music Library. Also worth noting is the Media Library's Film Series. More sources for movies, both on-campus and for download can be found at the Libraries' Online Media page. You can read more about the UNT Libraries and their assets here.

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