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UNT Jazz Combo Workshop

The 2019 UNT Jazz Combo workshop will be held on July 7-12, 2019.

Directed by Mike Steinel and Davy Mooney.

Registration will open on December 1, 2018 at https://app.getacceptd.com/untmusicworkshops.

Remaining Spots as of December 1, 2018:
Drumset: 13
Bass: 13
Guitar: 13
Piano: 13
Horns and Strings: 52
(Saxophones, Trumpet, Trombone, Violin, Viola, Cello)

For information regarding housing, meals, or payments, contact us at jazzworkshop@unt.edu.

The Jazz Combo Workshop is open to musicians of all levels (minimum age - 14) and provides comprehensive studies in jazz combo playing and improvisation.ย 

The curriculum includes: combo, faculty concerts (each evening), jazz history and listening, jazz theory (basic to advanced) master class instruction on bass, drums, guitar, piano, saxophone, trombone and trumpet, student concerts and student jam sessions. ย 

The workshop begins with registration from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. on Sunday, followed by a brief opening meeting and faculty concert at 3 p.m. Combo placement auditions will take place Sunday afternoon. Beginning at 1 p.m. These auditions are meant to evaluate a participant's skill level in that moment to adequately place them in a combo grouping of similarly skilled players. It is not necessary to prepare any special music for this audition, but we do reccomend continuous practice of common chord changes and imporvisation.

On Friday, all participants will perform in a public combo concert at the UNT Voertman Hall (parents are encouraged to attend). The performance will end no later than 5 p.m.


  • Tuition $595
  • Mealsย  $120 for 15 meal plan
    • No option for additional meals. Those who require extra nights lodging can pay cash at dining hall or go off campus (under -18 with supervision)
  • Lodging
    • Double room (shared bath) $155 for 5 nights, $32 additional nights each
    • Single room (shared bath) $185 for 5 nights, $38 additional nights each
  • Under-18 supervision fee $35
  • Airport shuttle, $25 each way for combo workshop
  • Parking on campus: $10
  • Acceptd.com application fee $20

Registration policies

  • Full payment is due at the time of registration.
  • Refunds will be made up toย May 1, 2019, less the processing fee determined byย acceptd.comย and the credit card processor.
  • Betweenย May 2, 2019 and June 1, 2019, refunds will be made less a $200 fee and the processing fee.
  • Afterย June 1, 2019, no refunds will be made.
  • No refunds will be made if a participant is dismissed from the workshop for violating UNT policy or workshop rules explained on the first day of the workshop.

For piano, guitar, bass, and drums, enrollment will be limited to 13 participants on each instrument.ย Once that number of completed registrations with full payment is reached, no new applications for those instruments can be started. Applicants who are at the in-progress stage because full payment has not been made will constitute the waiting list. As spots open up, waiting list participants will be contacted in the order of their date of registration.

The reason for these policies and deadlines is that the number of staff who must be hired and trained varies according to the expected enrollment, which is determined by the number of participants who commit to the registration process.

Typical Daily Schedule
9:00 - Theory/Improvisation
10:00 - Listening/Jazz History
11:00 - Combo
Noon - Lunch
1:30 - Instrumental Masterclass
3:00 - Combo
4:30 - Individual Free Time
5:00 - Supper
7:00 - Faculty Concert
8:30 to 9:50 - Student Jam Session

2019 UNT Jazz Combo Workshop Faculty