This tutorial gives you pointers to finding help resources on individual databases on your own.


Most access issues are covered on the following page: On & Off Campus Access to Databases & More.


Help Links in the Database Management System.

Many Databases have their own documentation that has been provided by the service.  Often we note these as "Help Links" in the database management website search/browse results.  A the same time, we also sometimes list a specific librarian to contact for questions/help.

Help Within Individual Databases

You may have to look around, but often links can be found for localized help in the upper-right-hand corner of the web page, a navigation bar on the left or right hand columns, or in the page's footer.  Look for: Help, Support, Support Center, etc.

Help Links

Other Options

  • Research Guides: Browse through a research guide on your topic.  We may give advice on using a specific database.
  • Ask Us if you need assistance!  (chat, email, phone, and in person at desk)