Talon 3

HPC Resources

UNT High-Performance Computing is a part of Research IT Services and offers state-of-the-art computing, storage, visualization and networking assets to users across the university. Our services include managing these capabilities, providing user support and training opportunities to exploit these resources for expediting scientific computing and analytics leading to innovative research and grant opportunities. Currently, RITS supports Talon 3, UNT’s state-of-the-art computing facility, which contains more than 8,300 CPU-cores and 150,000 GPU-cores connected through 56 Gbps Mellanox fourteen data rate, FDR, InfiniBand network, and over 1.4 Petabytes of Lustre storage. These configurations specifically were chosen to support current and emerging research computing and storage needs on campus. The High-Performance Computing staff works closely with users to install and configure experimental codes, provide periodic and customized training on exploiting these capabilities, and collaborate in grant development and workforce training opportunities. Please contact us if you are interested in these capabilities or need additional assistance to better understand how you can benefit from these unique capabilities.

News, Information

Cool Project? Create an original short video on YouTube that shows how you used Simulink for a cool project. Another chance to crush it with your Simulink skills and win up to $1,000 USD. Learn more.

System Status and Alerts

system status