Learning 101

If you are interested in learning strategies to be a more successful student, check out one of our Learning 101 Series! These 50-minute workshops offer practical skills and tips to help you be smarter about how you study and learn at UNT. Read below to see Learning 101 topics and dates for the current semester. ALL Learning 101 Workshops are in Sage 342. Click here to view a Learning 101 flyer.

You can request a special Learning 101 for your student organization, class or for a special event! If you would like the LC to present for you, contact the Outreach Office!

NEW-Critical Thinking Skills

Learn how to think critically to get the most out of your classes and prepare for your future.
Thursday 1pm September 13th
Friday 1pm October 5th
Tuesday 11am November 13th
Monday 10am November 26th

NEW-Online Class Success Strategies

Develop skills and strategies for staying on top of your online classes.

Tuesday 10am September 11th
Thursday 11am Septmber 27th
Friday 1pm October 12th
Wednesday 12pm October 31st

Time Management

Learn how to utilize a planner and prioritize tasks so that you can achieve a balance between school, work and social activities.

Wednesday 12pm September 5th
Monday 1pm September 24th
Thursday 11am October 4th
Tuesday 3pm October 9th
Monday 2pm October 15th
Friday 2pm October 26th
Friday 10am November 9th
Wednesday 11am December 5th

Test-Taking Tips

Whether taking an objective exam or writing an essay, there are several studying techniques and testing tips to use. Also learn how to decrease test anxiety.

Wednesday 2pm September 19th
Tuesday 12pm October 2nd
Friday 11am October 19th
Tuesday 11am October 30th
Thursday 3pm November 15th
Monday 1pm December 3rd

Note-Taking Tips

Professors make their exams using information from class lectures and assigned reading. Learn how to listen for test material in class and how to identify key points in your test to make the best use of your time.

Friday 10am September 7th
Wednesday 3pm September 26th
Monday 12pm October 8th
Thursday 2pm October 18th
Tuesday 1pm November 6th

Learning Styles

Discover what your preferred method of learning is and how to use it to your advantage in class, when studying and during tests.

Monday 11am September 17th
Wednesday 1pm October 24th
Thursday 10am November 1st
Friday 3pm November 30th

Presentation Skills

Learn the steps for developing interesting and professional presentations. Also, learn how to calm public speaking anxiety.

Friday 12pm September 21st
Wednesday 10am October 17th
Monday 3pm November 5th
Tuesday 2pm November 27th