Frequently Asked Questions

General FAQs

What is financial need?

Financial need is determined by a simple formula:

Student's Cost of Attendance (budget) - Expected Family Contribution (EFC) = Financial Need

Your established financial need is used to determine what financial aid you are eligible to receive. Grants, work-study, and subsidized loans require that students demonstrate financial need, while unsubsidized loans and PLUS loans do not.

What is an other resource?

An other resource is assistance provided outside of Student Financial Aid & Scholarships (SFAS) that is paying some of your educational expenses. This assistance must be considered when determining financial aid eligibility. Faculty/staff scholarship, valedictorian exemption, employment waivers, and third party billing are examples of other resources.

Financial aid recipients will have a non-disbursing Estimated Other Resource award posted with their other financial aid and scholarship awards since these expenses are being paid already. This award cannot be accepted. More information about Estimated Other Resources is available in your MyUNT student center when clicking the award link.

What is a Student Aid Report?

The Student Aid Report (SAR) summarizes the information included in the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. To request a duplicate copy of a SAR, call 1-800-433-3243.

Why was my aid cancelled?

Financial aid can be cancelled because of a request from you or because your eligibility changed.

When will my financial aid disburse?

Most fall/spring financial aid will disburse ten days prior to the first day of classes. After the semester starts, we disburse aid daily. Scholarships disburse on the first day of class.

Summer financial aid will disburse based on which sessions you attend. Learn more about summer disbursement.

Once your financial aid and scholarships disburse, the funds will pay your tuition and fee bill and any on-campus housing charges before a refund is released to you.

What is the difference between a disbursement and a financial aid refund?

A disbursement is when your financial aid is transferred to Student Financial Services to pay your bill. A refund is any aid that exceeds your bill and is released to you through BankMobile.

Grant FAQs

Why did my Pell Grant amount change?

Your Pell Grant amount can change based on any change you made on your Free Application for Federal Student Aid, enrollment status, or attendance. Lifetime Eligibility Used (LEU) may also impact Pell Grant amounts.

Can I get more grant money?

You are considered for your maximum grant eligibility at the time you are awarded. If additional funds are available, you will automatically be considered.

I got X grant last year, but not this year. Why?

Your grant eligibility can change from year to year based on your Free Application for Federal Student Aid, enrollment status, or available funding. Lifetime limits on some programs may also impact grant eligibility.

Loan FAQs

What do I have to do to get my loan funds?

You must complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid. Monitor your MyUNT To Do List for updates and requirements. Once you are awarded, you must accept your loan awards via MyUNT.

Can I go ahead and complete the loan counseling now?

Yes. This can be done at You will need your FSA ID and enter University of North Texas as a school to receive the results.

If I borrowed loans through the Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) Program and Direct Loans, will I have two different servicers to repay now?

Yes. You will receive correspondence and payment information from both the Department of Education and your prior lender or servicer.

Where can I find information about deferments or forbearance requests?
Where do I find information about Federal Loan Consolidation?
What is required for my loans when I leave UNT?

Loan borrowers are required to complete Student Exit Counseling at shortly before completing a degree, leaving UNT (i.e., withdrawing, graduation) or ceasing half-time enrollment. Be sure to select the University of North Texas as a school to receive notification of completion.

How do my parents apply for a Federal Direct PLUS loan?

You and your parents must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. Once the parent loan is awarded and accepted, the parent borrower must log onto to submit the Direct Parent PLUS Request.

What if my parent is not eligible for Federal Direct PLUS loan?

The Department of Education will run a credit history check to determine eligibility for a Federal Direct PLUS loan. The department will provide additional information to parents about other options (i.e. pursue a co-signer/endorser or appeal the denial) if there is adverse credit history. UNT will process all denials received, regardless of which option is chosen. The PLUS Denial - Additional Unsubsidized Loan Request Form will be added to the student's To Do List via MyUNT once the denial has been processed.

How do I repay my loans?

Review Repayment Plans.

What is a Master Promissory Note?

The Master Promissory Note is a legal document in which you promise to repay your loan(s) and any accrued interest and fees to the Department. It also explains the terms and conditions of your loan(s).

What is an origination fee?

An origination fee is used by the federal government to offset the administrative costs of the loan. Origination fees are charged as the loan is disbursed.

What is the interest rate?

The interest rates for federal student loans can be found at Federal Student Aid.

Scholarship FAQs

How do I apply?

See our How to Apply page. After reading the important application instructions, click on the link for the General Scholarship Application. Students must sign-in with their active EUID and password.

What is my EUID? How do I activate my EUID?

Please visit the UNT Help Desk.

I'm a graduate student, can I apply?

Yes! UNT Graduate students must still meet the scholarship opportunity criteria to be eligible for the scholarship competition. New graduate students must be fully admitted by the Toulouse Graduate School to a UNT degree-seeking program.

I'm an international student, can I apply?

Yes! International students must still meet the published scholarship opportunity criteria to be eligible for the scholarship competition. Please note: Students active in the IELI program only are not eligible to be considered.

My SAT/ACT score (or class rank) is below the minimum criteria, but I'm already a UNT student. Can I apply?

Yes! SAT/ACT score and high school ranking are only used to determine eligibility for students new from high school. Continuing UNT students (graduate and undergraduate) will be reviewed based on their UNT cumulative GPA at the end of the most recent fall term. New transfer students will be reviewed based on their cumulative transfer GPA.

Can I save my application and come back later?

Yes! You may save your General Scholarship Application or individual scholarship applications. Scholarship opportunities that have been saved will show as Drafted.

After I submit the General Application, I am prompted to answer another list of questions. Do I have to answer these additional questions?

Scholarships administered by the colleges and departments on campus may require additional information. If your major requires additional information, a college application will be presented upon completion of the General Application. Students should complete college applications, if applicable to your major, to ensure you can be considered for all available scholarship opportunities.

I completed the General Application and I do not have information on the Applicant Record. Am I eligible?

UNT information is imported nightly. If you are a new UNT student, we encourage you to review your scholarship application for imported information the next business day. For current or previous UNT students, please email so that we may review to determine if you are eligible.

Please note: UNT Dallas, UNT Dallas College of Law, and UNT Health Science Center students will not have imported data. UNTD and HSC students should contact their respective scholarship offices for opportunities.

I reviewed my Applicant Record and some information is incorrect. How do I update the information?

You cannot make updates to the UNT information imported on your application. You must contact the appropriate cognizant authority over the information if you have concerns about your information. Please visit our Application Help page for more information on the imported data.

How can I tell if my reference has submitted their recommendation?

Once you sign in, please click the References tab. You have the option to resend your request for reference.

Can I change my reference contact?

Yes. Sign in to your application and click on Manage References. You can resend a request for reference or enter a new reference.

Why do some scholarship opportunities have an award amount and other opportunities say "varies"?

Most scholarship donors allow the awarding department's scholarship committee to determine the scholarship amount based on available funding. These scholarships are noted as amount varies. In situations where donors have specified an exact award amount, that amount is noted. Please note that scholarship funding is never guaranteed and is affected by available funding.

How can I see the scholarship opportunities that I was automatically matched to?

Students are only able to view the scholarships for which they supplied additional information and submitted an application. Students may see scholarships that do not require additional action by clicking All Opportunities to review criteria for the opportunities that auto-match eligible applicants.

Do I need to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)?

Some scholarships awarded through this competitive application process require the recipient to show financial need as determined by the annual FAFSA. All newly admitted and continuing UNT students are encouraged to complete the FAFSA annually, regardless of family income. There is no application fee, and the eligibility information received from the application will assist with budgeting for educational related expenses.

Why does my Expected Family Contribution (EFC) say 999999?

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is available after October 1 annually. For all students that UNT has not received a FAFSA, the EFC will have the default value of 999999. Once UNT has received the appropriate FAFSA information, the EFC will update automatically.

When will I know if I have been awarded?

We begin making awards in spring and continue through the summer. Most students receive notification of awards by late June.

How will I be notified of an award?

Award notification will be sent to EagleConnect, UNT's official email service. Students are encouraged to monitor their EagleConnect and MyUNT regularly.

Can I be awarded more than one scholarship?

Due to the high number of eligible applicants and the limited scholarship funding, UNT scholarship committees strive to award the most students possible. Students selected for a scholarship administered by Student Financial Aid and Scholarships (SFAS) may only receive one award per academic year. Students may still receive departmentally or externally administered awards.

What is an external scholarship?

An external scholarship is one that comes from outside sources. Examples include Lion's Club, Booster clubs, and PTA scholarships.