File Saving & SaveHere

Save and save often! It is highly recommended for work to be saved on a regular basis. To protect the privacy of patrons, the integrity of the machines, and security for both, the publicly accessed machines in the facility are erased on reboot. All files and machine modifications are erased when the machine restarts. Alternatively, there is a designated SaveHere that does not get erased on reboot. This space is for temporary storage of work while using the machine. It is the best to save any files to the SaveHere space. Files saved anywhere else on the machine will be erased on reboot. The SaveHere space is for temporary storage, all files should be emailed to oneself, put up on the Onedrive, or saved on personal removable media.

Remember to save and save often in SaveHere!

Customer Service Representatives (CSRs)

The SCC is staffed with student workers who provide basic assistance for patrons in the facility. The SCC CSRs assist or train users with:

  • Checking in/out
  • Starting a workstation
  • Choosing an application
  • Loading an application
  • Basic functions such as print and save
  • How to access online help or manuals


  • May not touch keyboards when providing assistance
  • Are not subject tutors
  • Are not to do work for patrons

While some CSRs working in the Student Computing Commons may be extensively familiar with a specific software package, other CSRs may not be able to answer all of your questions. Any additional assistance you receive, outside of the functions listed above, are skills unique to that CSR.

  • All CSRs may not have the same level of expertise.
  • Keep in mind that the CSRs must assist all patrons in the facility.
  • CSRs are required to assist patrons with the basics prior to addressing more in depth questions.
  • You may be able to answer your own question through online help. Most software packages have an online help section with a user manual.

Additional Resources