Engagement Resources

Engagement Resources

Town Hall: Employee Engagement

Chancellor Lesa Roe, Board of Regent Laura Wright, and the university presidents hosted town halls on their respective campuses to discuss UNT System operations and employee engagement. Chancellor Roe and Regent Wright shared their perspectives on UNT System operations and employee engagement based on their respective careers at NASA and Southwest Airlines. Each organization has been recognized nationally as a “Best Place to Work.” Recordings of the UNT System, UNT, and UNT HSC Town Halls are below (UNT Dallas hosted a Town Hall but it was not recorded):

Workshop: Understanding, Measuring and Creating Engagement

Explore the topic of employee engagement and gain a deeper understanding of the concept and what it means for you, your team and the organization.  The session will also examine how we measure engagement, with a focus on how the Gallup Q12™ provides a realistic framework to help us create a best place for all.

To schedule this training on your campus, email TalentManagement@untsystem.edu.

Workshop: Owning Your Own Engagement

This 2-hour session is based on the theory from Gallup, “Employees are responsible for their engagement too.” For employees to take ownership of their own engagement they need to fully understand what it is and what it means to them.

Participants will gain a working definition of engagement and identifies strategies for employees to gain a psychological and emotional connection to their jobs.

To schedule this training on your campus, email TalentManagement@untsystem.edu.

Learn More:

Engagement Resources for Managers and Leaders

Engagement Toolkit for Managers and Leaders (English)

Engagement Toolkit for Managers and Leaders (Spanish)

This toolkit includes best practices and supplemental information managers and leaders can use to increase employee engagement.

*Register for Engagement Training Sessions via the Learning Portal on my.unt.edu.