In-Class Research Instruction

The librarians teach information literacy / research instruction classes throughout the semester at your time preference; including evenings and Saturdays.  Presentations are customized to fit the assignment.  Topics available include but are not limited to:

  • Using the electronic databases
  • How to conduct effective research
  • Using RefWorks to organize, save and retrieve research results 
  • Identifying primary and secondary sources
  • Citation instruction
  • Using the Internet for scholarly research
  • How to avoid plagiarism
  • Customized topics for your class

Send a request to the librarians with the Request Library Instruction form.

Reserve Materials

Faculty may place books or media, (DVDs/VHS) on reserve in the library for student access.  Items are generally checked out for 2 hours, but it is at the faculty member's discretion.  Some items may be placed on electronic reserve to allow students to view them online.    Electronic reserve requests must be placed a minimum of two weeks prior to their initial use to guarantee availability when needed. Reserve materials are scheduled to be removed at the end of the semester, but may be extended at the instructor’s request.

The University of North Texas at Dallas Library adheres to all applicable Copyright Laws outlined in Title 17 of the United States Code.

Questions?  Contact a librarian:

Library Catalog

Access the library catalog at:  [See: Books & More]

After locating a book, click the title and then click “Request this item for pickup”. The book(s) will be delivered to the UNT Dallas library on “Tuesday or Friday”. Media items must be requested through your ILLiad Account.

The catalog includes the following materials:

  • Books
  • CDs and other audio materials
  • DVDs and other video materials
  • Journals
  • Some e-books, e-journals, and databases
  • Music scores
  • Dissertations
  • Other physical items owned by the Libraries


Faculty members may request media materials for the entire semester.  When making the request, enter the dates you need the item. Deliveries are made to the UNT Dallas Library on Tuesday and Friday. Many movies are available through Video On Demand streaming video,; or through check out at the UNT Dallas Library service desk.

Locate DVDs, and VHS movies through the library catalog

  • Search for the movie, then click on the title.
  • Click on the link, "Faculty: Book this item for a class"
  • Fill out the form and submit.

Inter-Library loans

Use your ILLiad account to request books, media, and journal articles from any library across the United States.  Create your personal ILLIAD account with a unique user name and password.   Journal articles that are not available through our electronic databases may be found at another library and delivered to the UNT Dallas Library or to your email box.


FAQ about Inter-Library loans

TexShare Cards

TexShare library cards are available at no cost to UNT Dallas students, faculty and staff.  TexShare cards allow checkout of material at any participating Texas library, academic, public or corporate.  Rules for checkout are governed by the issuing library.

Request New Material for the Library

The library wants to support your class with appropriate materials.  Titles that are not available electronically, may be purchased if funds are available. Please fill out the New Materials Request Form.

Your Account

  • Check your library account through the library catalog
  • Click on Login / Renew in the top right corner
  • Login with your EUID & Password
  • See what you have checked out, due dates, and renew items.

Your Research

The library staff provides help with one-on-one instruction, finding books and materials, database research, and work related research. Contact a librarian by:


Phone:  972-338-1616

In the library:  Founders Hall – 7400 University Hills Blvd., First Floor

Library Liaisons

Brenda Robertson

Education & Human Services

  • Counseling & Human Services
  • Teacher Education & Administration
  • Public Leadership

Liberal Arts & Life Science

  • Biology & Chemistry
  • Math & Information Sciences
  • Social Sciences

Robert Taylor

Urban & Professional Studies

  • Business
  • Teacher Education & Administration
  • Criminal Justice

Liberal Arts & Life Science

  • Languages & communications
  • Sociology & Psychology
  • General Studies