UNT Day on the Hill


 UNT Day on the Hill

Your voice matters in the effort to promote higher education in Texas.

On February 13, 2019, the UNT Alumni Association and select student volunteers will travel to Austin, Texas to meet with legislators in the state capitol. Join us and other UNT advocates as we promote key issues that are vital to the health and growth of the University of North Texas.

This opportunity includes legislative advocacy training to teach you how to be an effective civic participant.


Important Dates to Remember

Deadline to Register
Monday, January 28, 2019

Required Training Session
TBD January 2019
Registrants may select from one training session on the UNT campus and one training session in North Dallas. One-on-one training will be available for those who are unable to attend the regularly-scheduled sessions.

UNT Presidential Celebration
February 12, 2019

UNT Day on the Hill
February 13, 2019


Tentative UNT Day on the Hill Itinerary

5:15  a.m.     Buses leave from UNT’s Fouts Field parking lot
9:30 a.m.     Arrive at Capitol
10 a.m.         Visit Senate and House chambers and begin legislative visits
11:30 a.m.    Lunch
1 p.m.           Group photo in Open Air Rotunda
1:30 p.m.     Resume legislative visits
4 p.m.          Board buses on the east side of the Capitol
4:30 p.m.    Buses depart for Denton
8:15 p.m.     Buses arrive at UNT’s Fouts Field parking lot


Email robert.mcinturf@unt.edu if you are interested in legislative advocacy on behalf of UNT.

University of North Texas Alumni Association

1155 Union Circle #311220 | Denton, Texas 76203-5017
940-565-2834 | alumni@unt.edu