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HP Feature Philippines Quarterly Economic Update April 2009

The domestic financial markets are proving to be resilient despite the turbulence in the global economy. With both the weakening of the labor market and the slowdown in remittances lagging economic activity, however, Philippine GDP growth is projected to weaken throughout 2009 and gradually recover in 2010, says the Philippine Quarterly Economic Update-April 2009.

Report Summary and downloads Overview (pdf, 108kb)
HP Icon CAS PRESS RELEASE -  Country Assistance Strategy
New strategy focuses on poverty alleviation measures and operationalizing governance in all Bank-supported activities. It also pilots a deeper integration of the Bank's operations with the International Finance Corporation (IFC), its private sector financing arm. Press Release | Philippines CAS Consultations Webpage
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PRESS RELEASE - World Bank KDC in Iloilo Provides Access to Persons with Disabilities
The knowledge center is now equipped with modern adaptive facilities making information accessible to the blind and visually impaired. Press Release 




FEATURE -  Town Puts Garbage to Productive Use
The town of Teresa in Rizal Province is helping improve the quality of Laguna Lake, the Philippines' largest body of water, through its Integrated Solid Waste Management Facility (ISWMF). Read more


 STATEMENT - Fraudulent Email
World Bank denies sending an email addressed to "All Filipino Overseas Workers". More Information


CONSULTATION -World Bank Disclosure Policy
The World Bank has launched an external consultation process on the proposed policy changes on the disclosure of information. Read the draft policy and submit your comments


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Bank experts answer questions about the flu outbreak in Mexico and Bank assistance.
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Online Survey
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HP Highlight - Carbon Finance
Promoting Clean Energy Through Carbon Finance
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Economic Reports
Philippines Quarterly Economic Update: April 2009
East Asia Update - April 2009 | Press Release
 Doing Business 2009
  More data


Apr 21, 2009Consultation Meeting on WB Policy on Disclosure of Information
Mar 13, 2009Youth Dialogue Series (Videoconference) - Embracing Diversity and Fostering Dialogue for Development

What's New

May 06, 2009PHILIPPINES: World Bank Knowledge for Development Center in Iloilo Provides Access to Persons with Disabilities (Press Release)
May 06, 2009Philippines Quarterly Economic Update (Featured Report)
May 05, 2009World Bank Philippines eRoundup (Newsletter)

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