WordPress Web Hosting

There are hundreds of thousands of web hosts out there, the vast majority of which meet the WordPress minimum requirements, and choosing one from the crowd can be a chore. Just like flowers need the right environment to grow, WordPress works best when it’s in a rich hosting environment.

We’ve dealt with more hosts than you can imagine; in our opinion, the hosts below represent some of the best and brightest of the hosting world. If you do decide to go with one of the hosts below and click through from this page, some will donate a portion of your fee back—so you can have a great host and support WordPress.org at the same time. If you don’t need the flexibility of a full web host, you may consider getting a free blog on WordPress.com.

DreamHost DreamHost

“Over a million domains host with DreamHost since 1997, voted best WordPress support for six years running! Unlimited domains, email, databases, disk space, bandwidth, plus a free domain registration forever, all at a special promotional price for WordPress users. 100% uptime guarantee and 2 week free trial… and of course automatically updated WordPress 3.0 one-click installation.”

Forum threads about DreamHost »

MediaTemple MediaTemple

“Hosting that’s ready for traffic spikes. Start your new blog on a clustered hosting platform that’s ready for you to hit the big time. Whether you reach the front page of Digg or get an unexpected shout-out on Oprah, your blog will always be available. Get started right-away with our WordPress one-click installer and enough high-speed storage and bandwidth to run a blogging empire.”

Forum threads about MediaTemple »

Laughing Squid Laughing Squid

“Laughing Squid Web Hosting is an independently owned and operated web host based in San Francisco that provides friendly, dependable, and secure web hosting services to artists, individuals, bloggers, non-profits, and small businesses. We are open source geeks who are here to help you get your content online and rescue you from the endless void of impersonal and unreliable web hosting.”

Forum threads about Laughing Squid »

Requirements: PHP 5.2.4 or higher, MySQL 5.0 or higher, Apache or nginx recommended.

Host Feedback

We’re committed to helping create a wholesome and hassle-free WordPress hosting environment. If you feel there are issues with one of the hosts listed here, please send a note to hosting dash feedback at this domain. If the situation warrants we’ll work with you and your host on a solution. We also realize that we can’t highlight every good host, but if you have a favorite host you think we should feature here, email hosting dash application at this domain.

Note before contacting us: Please don’t send us legal takedown orders or threats, we don’t actually host every WordPress blog in the world. If you don’t understand that, you probably shouldn’t be sending legal notices anyway.

Be Listed on This Page

We’re not currently soliciting new listings for this page, which we want to keep small and focused, however if you like us to know about you can send an email to hosting dash application at this domain. Listing is completely arbitrary, but includes criteria like: contributions to WordPress.org, size of customer base, ease of WP auto-install and auto-upgrades, bundling sane themes and plugins, avoiding GPL violations, design, tone, presence in forums, historical perception, using the correct logo, capitalizing WordPress correctly, not blaming us if you have a security issue, and up-to-date system software.