Call for testing: WordPress for iOS 10.8

WordPress for iOS version 10.8 beta is available for testing on TestFlight. Not part of the beta program yet? Please sign up for our TestFlight program to request to join as a beta tester.

What to Test:

1. What’s new

  • We’ve been tuning things up under the hood. You may not see anything obviously different in the app, but expect everything to be faster and more stable!

2. Bug Fixes

  • There were a lot of other improvements made in this release that aren’t being called out in this post. For the main WordPress iOS application you can view the entire list here.

Bugs & Feedback

Did you find a bug or come up with a feature request while testing? You can discuss it here, ping one of us in the #mobile Slack room, report it using the TestFlight feedback link, or head straight to the iOS GitHub repository and open a new issue.

Thanks for testing!