Sixth International Marine Debris Conference
People cleaning derelict fishing gear from a beach. (Photo Credit: NOAA)

The NOAA Marine Debris Program is excited to be co-hosting the Sixth International Marine Debris Conference (6IMDC) with UN Environment in San Diego, California, USA from March 12-16, 2018. The 6IMDC is an opportunity to energize international coordination efforts within the marine debris community. It will build upon the partnerships and successes of the Honolulu Strategy which was developed at the last conference in 2011. With a variety of tracks, themes, and session types, the 6IMDC will promote new partnerships, further raise public awareness and support, and inspire new actions that will take us closer to a world free from the impacts of marine debris.

Please visit the 6IMDC website to learn more information about the event and to sign-up for updates.

If you have any questions, email