The New Jersey Sea Grant Consortium advances knowledge and stewardship of New Jersey’s marine and coastal environment through research, education and extension.

Providing for research that results in sound scientific data used to promote wise decision-making about New Jersey’s coastal and marine resources is at the heart of NJSGC’s mission.

The Education Program at the New Jersey Sea Grant Consortium holds a wide variety of programs directed towards advancing greater understanding and stewardship of our state’s marine and coastal resources.

The primary goal of Extension is to provide useful information to people employed or interested in fields related to marine resources from fishermen, coastal engineers, maritime industry personnel, resource managers and decision makers to the general public.

News & Events

Rain Garden Installed at Ocean Township High School

January 17th, 2017

Michelle Hartmann, New Jersey Sea Grant Consortium’s water resources specialist (also of the Rutgers Cooperative Extension Water Resources Program) has been hard at work this year installing more than 25 green infrastructure projects this fall alone. Most recently, helped NJSGC funded the installation of an 800-square-foot rain garden at Ocean Township High School. Michelle completed this project in partnership with the Whalepond Brook Watershed Association with the assistance of students in the Ocean Township High School Environmental Science club.

Funding for the additional green infrastructure projects was provided by New Jersey Sea Grant Consortium, State of NJ Department of Environmental ProtectionNational Fish and Wildlife Foundation, Camden County Municipal Utility Authority, William Penn Foundation, and others.

Read more in the latest Rutgers Cooperative Extension Water Resources Program newsletter.

Living Shorelines in Hong Kong

January 17th, 2017

This originally appeared in the Holiday 2016 edition of Coastodian.

New Jersey Sea Grant Consortium coastal processes specialist Dr. Jon Miller was an invited speaker at the International Workshop on Eco-shorelines Designs for Sustainable Coastal Development.

“It was an amazing opportunity to visit a very unique country and discuss some of the great things we’re doing in New York and New Jersey in the field of living shorelines,” he notes.

Dr. Miller, also a research associate professor at Stevens Institute of Technology, delivered a keynote address titled “Living Shorelines in Urban Environments.”

“Equally enlightening from my point of view was learning about Hong Kong’s philosophy on land reclamation and their desire to implement innovative shoreline stabilization approaches that help preserve/restore the marine environment,” Dr. Miller adds.

A Look Back At 2016

December 21st, 2016


From education to research to extension, this year was full of opportunities and accomplishments. You can check out more of what we’ve been up to in our Coastodian archive, but here are just a few of the highlights:

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Graduate Fellowship Application Deadlines Approaching

December 8th, 2016

The New Jersey Sea Grant Consortium manages and offers several fellowships each year in conjunction with the National Sea Grant College Program and other federal partners, including the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the National Marine Fisheries Service. Deadlines are fast approaching for three fellowships in January and February of 2017:

The NOAA/Sea Grant Coastal Management Fellowship provides two years of on-the-job education and training in coastal resource management and policy for postgraduate students. The program matches postgraduate students with state coastal resource agencies to work on coastal projects proposed by state officials and selected by the NOAA Office for Coastal Management. Deadline to apply is January 20, 2017. For general information on the Coastal Management Fellowship go to:

The NOAA/Sea Grant John A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship allows students interested in marine, ocean, and Great Lakes resources and in the national policy decisions affecting those resources to spend a year in Washington, D.C. working with agency personnel or in the office of a U.S. senator or representative. Deadline to apply is February 21, 2017.

The NOAA Fisheries/Sea Grant Joint Graduate Fellowship Program in Population and Ecosystem Dynamics and Marine Resource Economics is designed to strengthen the collaboration between Sea Grant and the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS). The Fellowship is available to US citizens who are graduate students enrolled in PhD degree programs in academic institutions in the United States and its territories. Fisheries Fellows will work on thesis problems of public interest and relevance to NMFS at participating NMFS Science Centers or Laboratories under the guidance of NMFS mentors. Deadline to apply is January 27, 2017.

Read more about these fellowships and how to apply here.

Keep Off The Dune Signs Now Available

November 30th, 2016

We’ve all seen them: big signs on the beach that warn not to step or walk onto the dunes. But why? This Keep Off Dunes sign, available from New Jersey Sea Grant Consortium, seeks to go further than just warn the public to keep off the dunes by explaining the many important benefits of dunes.

While they play an important role in stabilizing beaches and protecting our homes and infrastructure, dunes provide an essential habitat for many plants and animals.  Walking on dunes can destroy the plants that hold them together. Without these plants, wind would erode the sand off the dune, diminishing its effectiveness as a natural barrier. This is why it is so important to stay off the dunes and always use designated dune walkways.

So now if you tell someone they should keep off the dunes, you’ll be empowered to explain why.

New Jersey Sea Grant Consortium also offers a Dune Manual. The Dune Manual answers a variety of questions and provides valuable resources for community groups or towns looking to build or restore the dunes along the beaches in your area.

Municipal officials interested in obtaining these signs can contact the New Jersey Sea Grant Consortium at 732-872-1300 ext 10.



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