Removal of Sunken Derelict Vessels from the Makah Marina at Neah Bay, WA
The mast of a sunken vessel protrudes out of the water at the Makah Marina in Neah Bay.
The mast of a sunken vessel protrudes out of the water at the Makah Marina in Neah Bay. (Photo Credit: NOAA)

The Makah Indian Tribe is working to remove three sunken vessels from the Makah Marina in the Makah Tribe Indian Reservation, and is conducting outreach to prevent future abandoned and derelict vessels.

Type of Project: Community-based Marine Debris Removal Grant

Region: Pacific Northwest

Project Dates: September 2017 – December 2018

Who is involved?
With the support of a NOAA Marine Debris Program Community-based Marine Debris Removal grant, the Makah Indian Tribe is working to remove three sunken vessels from the Makah Marina in the town of Neah Bay, Washington.

What is the project and why is it important?
The Makah Indian Tribe is removing three abandoned and derelict vessels (ADVs) that sank in the Makah Marina, an area within the Makah Tribe Reservation at the scenic Northwest corner of Washington State’s Olympic Peninsula. These ADVs present a hazard to boat traffic in the marina, will likely break down over time to form a larger marine debris field, and diminish the Tribe’s ability to utilize the marina fully. At 34, 60, and 65 feet long, the three ADVs are relatively small, but can still have a big impact.

Removal of the vessels is being conducted by a contracted salvage firm, while tribal staff, experienced in vessel removal, is providing oversight, coordination, and overall project management. For vessel removal operations, the salvage contractor is using lift bags or, if needed, a derrick to slowly re-float the vessels. After re-floating, the vessels are loaded on a barge, and transported for recycling and disposal.

In addition to overseeing the removal, tribal staff are also conducting outreach activities focused on ADV prevention. They are using methods including newspaper articles highlighting the vessel removal and the importance of vessel maintenance, educational signs posted on the marina, and long term education efforts initiated by marine staff to raise awareness with boat owners about the negative impacts of ADVs.