San Diego Bay Debris Removal Project
A crane pulls a vessel from the Bay.
A crane pulls a vessel from the Bay. Credit: Port of San Diego

Project Dates: August 2012 - September 2013

The San Diego Unified Port District continues to remove hundreds of debris items, including batteries, boats, engines, outboard motors, steel, wood, chains, and fuel tanks, from an area of San Diego Bay called A-8 Anchorage. The NOAA Community-based Marine Debris Prevention and Removal program has supported this project since 2008.

According to the port district, "The A-8 Anchorage was an unlimited, free anchorage established in the 1980s to accommodate up to 150 vessels at any one time. Unfortunately, over the years, many vessels within the anchorage area sank because of winds, storms, or simply because the vessels weren't seaworthy." Of the debris recovered since 2008, the port estimates it has removed roughly 50 tons, including 75 sunken vessels, 50- and 25-ton barges, batteries, engines, generators, fuel and other storage tanks, bicycles, various electronics, and a bathtub.