
Did you know that the Great Lakes are the biggest freshwater source in the world? Lake Erie is the most productive for fishing of all the Great Lakes. Your support helps make our streams clean, clear and healthy so they can support this complex ecosystem. By donating to PCS, you help us reach our goals of restoring rivers that lead to Lake Erie beaches that promote fishable and swimmable conditions for generations.

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Long term projects that make lasting impacts on the environment are a focus of Partners for Clean Streams and the Maumee RAP. Many of these projects use breaking technology, creative ideas and forward vision for habitat restoration and public awareness. The projects vary from revitalizing decades old campaigns to making a low head dam more ecologically productive. Many of the projects are funded by grants from the government or private foundations. It is the goal of PCS to use projects like these to restore the Maumee AOC to "fishable and swimmable" conditions. 

Dave Derrick explains a StreamDave Derrick will be in Toledo July 21st through July 25th to work with river restoration practictioners, students, engineers, and consultants in a team setting for developing conceptual plans for several different projects in the area. “The Stream Restoration Design: An Advanced Workshop” is great for those who “learn by doing” outside of a lecture-based setting. If you have been to a class taught by Dave Derrick before and always wanted to try applying some of the restoration techniques, then this workshop is for you. Half of the workshop time will be spent in the field, in which you’ll receive direction and guidance from a variety of local leaders. This will allow you to practice applying the methods, and work through many of the design considerations. Then take this practical experience and apply it to your own potential projects when you return to your area. View the full agenda HERE.


To maximize the field time for this workshop, Dave will not be re-teaching his methods. After a quick review, he will cover some more advanced methods in detail, and hand off to other experts to briefly teach about wetlands, plants, and construction considerations. Class will then head directly into the field to visit relevant restored sites. To keep teams small and allow each team to have computer and classroom space for developing their concepts, we are limiting this workshop to 30 participants. Apply by June 18th and tell us about your interests, experience, and if you have attended a previous “Dave Workshop.” We will select and notify participants quickly. The workshop is only $249 and includes all materials, some light snacks and some lunches. Lodging is not included. Payment is required before attendng the Workshop and can be processed once you have been selected to participate. So go ahead and get started now on the internal approvals you need in order to participate. Apply now by completing this form!

The Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) awarded PCS with a $1.36 million grant from to restore stream habitat, reduce erosion, enhance wetlands, and improve upland habitat along the upper Ottawa River, directly improving Lake Erie’s Western Basin. Along with the Boy Scouts of America, PCS partnered with the US Army Corps of Engineers on a Habitat Restoration Master Plan to enhance this section of Ottawa River. PCS is expecting this restoration project on the to result in long‐term outcomes that will improve the Maumee River and Lake Erie habitat. Furthermore, the project will bring the Maumee Area of Concern closer to delisting the Loss of Fish and Wildlife Habitat BUI (BUI #14), the Degradation of Benthos (BUI #6), and Degradation of Fish and Wildlife Populations (BUI #3).

PCS, Maumee RAP, and its partners have determined that the status of Beneficial Use Impairments (BUI) in the Maumee AOC should be re-evaluated and the Stage 2 Plan should be updated given an extensive amount of new analytic data collected. To streamline the process of determining BUI status for the AOC, Ohio EPA Maumee RAP Coordinator, Cherie Blair, worked with PCS and a US EPA funded contractor to create a Data Management and Delisting System (DMDS)The goal is to develop a comprehensive, interactive, mapping, searchable web-based DMDS that will serve as a one-stop-shop watershed planning resource for all the Maumee AOC watersheds.

Three unique projects were implemented by the Maumee RAP before Partners for Clean Streams existed. Between working with agriculture leaders and landowners, creating the sequel to a movie first produced in the 1960's, and funding one of the most successful environmental awareness campaigns ever in northwest Ohio have all attributed to providing PCS with a strong foundation from which to grow from and continue to support.  

Partners for Clean Streams Inc. is striving for abundant open space and a high quality natural environment; adequate floodwater storage capacities and flourishing wildlife; stakeholders who take local ownership in their resources; and rivers, streams and lakes that are clean, clear and safe