
Buoys are laid out on a marina
Derelict buoys sit on a dock.

As a fisher, you respect and appreciate our oceans and waterways and you want to ensure that future generations can carry on the fishing tradition. Unfortunately, marine debris poses several threats to people who enjoy fishing and its related activities. You can help reduce the amount of debris that enters the oceans and other waterways by following these guidelines:

  • Bring all of your trash back to shore for proper disposal in trash cans or recycling bins, including all pieces of fishing line and other fishing gear.
  • Consider recycling used line in appropriate containers or at participating locations. Visit the BoatU.S. Foundation for information on monofilament recycling programs or take a look at your local Clean Marina Programs.
  • Remember that it is illegal to dispose of any garbage in all U.S. waters and anywhere at sea.
  • Support environmentally responsible marinas.
  • Serve as an example to others. Get involved in cleanups in your area and encourage others to help keep the oceans free of debris.